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  • Contacts

Crenguta Leaua

Position: Managing Partner
T: +4072 257 52 55
E: cleaua@lddp.ro

Leaua, Damcali, Deaconu, Paunescui
Str. Zborului nr.10 A,
Sector 3,
Bucuresti, Romania

Crenguta Leaua specializes in aviation law, international arbitration law, international commercial law, corporate law, intellectual property law and administrative law.

Crenguta is author or co-author of 5 books, over 20 chapters of collective books and of over 50 scientific articles.

Crenguta since 1994 – present has been an attorney at law and since 2002 an arbitrator. She is a Professor of Business law and Corporate Law at the Bucharest University of Economics, teaching law at the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics in Economy. She also conducts Ph.D. thesis as member of the School of Doctoral Studies at the Bucharest University of Economics. Crenguta had teaching assignments as visiting professor or lecturer at Columbia Law School in New York, Science Po (Paris), Georgetown University (Washington D.C.) and other universities.”