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Amendments to the Concessions Contract of MVD Airport in Uruguay


The original contract, signed on February 6, 2003, was extended to November 20, 2033, and further to November 20, 2053, with expansions in the concession’s scope over time.

Objectives of the Amendment:

– Upgrade the precision instrument approach of Runway 25 from Category I to Category IIIb.

– Address adverse weather conditions affecting aviation operations.

– Enhance operational availability and safety standards.

Key Amendments:

The modifications include the addition of a “Landing Support Price” in Annex F of the Integrated Management Regime, based on aircraft weight categories.

  • Up to 10 tons –
  • More than 10 up to 20 tons –
  • More than 20 up to 30 tons – $74.74
  • More than 30 up to 70 tons – $111.92
  • More than 70 up to 170 tons – $158.10
  • More than 170 tons – $215.24

Authorization and Implementation:

The Minister of National Defense is authorized to execute the modification, and the Landing Support Price will be applicable upon completing infrastructure installations, as communicated to the Control Unit.

Financial Mechanism:

A periodic adjustment mechanism will be implemented every three years based on actual versus projected landing revenues, ensuring fairness and sustainability.

Please review the detailed report and decree for further information.

Shared by L2b Member Gonzalo Yelpo

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