Salman Talibuddin
Position: Partner
T: +9221-35838871-6
F: +9221-35838879
406-407, 4thFloor, The Plaza at Do Talwar
Block-9, Clifton, Karachi-75600
B.A., University of Karachi, 1979;
B.A., (Political Science) University of Oklahoma (1982);
J.D. University of Oklahoma (1986);
LL. M., University of Warwick (1991);
Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Associate, Abraham & Sarwana: Karachi, 1986-1989;
Associate Partner, Saeed Salman, A. Al Sharif & Partners, Dubai U.A.E.: 1989-1990; Associate, Surridge & Beecheno, Karachi: 1991-1995;
Partner, Surridge & Beecheno, Karachi: July 1995-January 1997.
On the panel of arbitrators of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, and the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration.
Additional Attorney General for Pakistan based at Karachi.
Has acted in wide range of commercial and corporate matters both contentious and non-contentious, including appearances in court and before arbitrators in civil litigation and international arbitration matters; advising in a wide range of commercial transactions including project finance and banking, construction and engineering contracts, debt and equity financing, and mergers and acquisitions including:
• Acting for the Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan in a multi-million dollar claim brought by the French contractor of the new terminal building at Quaid-e-Azam international airport, Karachi, including international arbitration and domestic litigation related thereto;
• Acting as part of the advisory team led by NatWest Markets advising the Privatisation Commission of the Government of Pakistan on the privatisation of Karachi Electric Supply Corporation;
• Advising the Agent and Lead Manager in connection with Pakistan’s first sovereign Eurobond Issue (1994);
• Advised bidders on the privatisation of the KotAddu and Jamshoro Power Stations of Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA);
• Acting for the Islamic Investment Company of the Gulf (Bahrain) EC in connection with financing facilities to PIA Investments Limited;
• Advising Interprovincial Pipe Line, Inc., of Canada in connection with proposed investments in Pakistan;
• Advising Bechtel Limited, London and ENRON Engineering and Construction Company, Houston in the proposed construction of certain power stations in Pakistan;
• Acting for the Lenders (Asian Development Bank) in the Fauji Kabirwalla Power Project;
• Advising the Sponsors and the Project Company in relation to an oil refinery, oil terminal and pipeline project at Port Qasim Karachi;
• Acting for the Lenders in the Aviserv Flight Kitchen project;
• Counsel to Whessoe Projects Limited of the U.K. on the Sukkur and Kotri Barrage rehabilitation projects;
• Acting for Boeing Commercial Airplane Corporation in relation to certain civil litigation in Pakistan;
• Acting for ING Lease b.v. in relation to the recovery of an aircraft leased to a local courier company;
• Acting for NBP in connection with the US$ 75 Million Commercial Paper Programme;
• Advising Nomura Investment Bank (Middle East) EC in connection with Management/Agency arrangements in Pakistan as also on the private placement of foreign securities in Pakistan;
• Advising the Islamic Trading Company EC in respect of morabaha agreements for commodity transactions in Pakistan;
• Advising a major US corporation in connection with defence and commercial sales in Pakistan;
• Advising the Civil Aviation Authority in connection with the construction contract for the new terminal at the Lahore international airport;
• Acting for the Export Credits Guarantee Department of the UK in connection with the financing of ICI Pakistan Limited’s Pure Terephthalic Acid Plant in Pakistan;
• Advising and acting for a major US Chemical company in relation to extensive litigation on a customs matter.
• Defending a major UK banking group in litigation brought in Pakistan.
• Defending two Japanese motor vehicle manufacturers and their local joint venture partners in litigation brought in Azad Jammu and Kashmir;
• Acting for the Hub Power Company Limited in its tariff dispute with the state utility (WAPDA) including domestic litigation up to the Supreme Court of Pakistan and international commercial arbitration.
• Acting for a major multinational telecommunications company in relation to the business of its subsidiary in Pakistan.
• Advising British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority in connection with matters relating to the Southern Electric Power Company Limited;
• Advising the Standard Chartered Equitor Group, Hong Kong, as also major US investment management companies in respect of the provision of custodial services in Pakistan;
• Advising Templeton Investment Management Limited, Edinburgh, in connection with the Templeton Pakistan Fund;
• Project financing (loan and equity) for International Finance Corporation and ADB including the preparation and issue of legal opinions;
• Acting for and advising local and foreign banks in relation to business and litigation in Pakistan.
• Acting for the Karachi Port Trust in connection with the proposed reclamation of 250 acres of land off the shore of Clifton, Karachi and the building thereon of the Port Tower Complex.
• Acting for the Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan in connection with the proposed commercial development of Civil Aviation lands consisting of approximately 459.5 acres located in the vicinity of the Karachi Airport and approximately 174 acres located in the vicinity of the Lahore Airport.
• Defending a major UK telecommunications company in litigation brought in Pakistan against it and the local subsidiary.
• Acting for the Government of Pakistan in an ICSID arbitration in relation to a dispute with Societe Generale de Surveillances arising from an inspection contract.
• Advising and acting for the local subsidiary of a multinational company in relation to a constitutional petition filed against it challenging its joint venture with a state corporation.
• Acting for Malaysian sponsors of a power project in relation to disputes with the power purchaser and the Government of Pakistan involving litigation in Pakistan, England (High Court and Court of Appeal) and Singapore.
• Acting for Rolls-Royce Group plc in fatal accident claims arising out of the crash of a PIA operated Fokker aircraft.
• Advising the Civil Aviation Authority in connection with the design and construction contracts for the new Islamabad International Airport.
• Acting for the service provider in an ICC arbitration in respect of claims against BP Pakistan Exploration & Production, Inc., which concluded in a substantial award in favour of the client.
• Acting for the Karachi Port Trust in connection with the Port Tower Project involving the reclamation and commercial development of approximately 300 acres off the shore of Clifton, Karachi and the construction on a part thereof of a 1947 foot structural height tower; expo-center; auditorium; and car park for Karachi Port Trust’s benefit and residential units, office blocks, commercial centers, and amusement and recreational centers on the remaining portion for the benefit of the developer.
• Acting for Limitless LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary and real estate investment and development arm of Dubai World, in connection with the Karachi Waterfront Project comprising the development of a new town along international standards consisting of residential, commercial, retail, industrial areas with all associated and ancillary infrastructure and facilities on approximately 25,000 hectares of land in Karachi District.
• Acted for Ethiopian Airlines, Olympic Airways and British Airways in connection with claims in Pakistan.
• Acting routinely for Thai Airways International in respect of claims brought in Pakistan.
• Acting as sole arbitrator appointed by consent of the parties (Arabtec Pakistan (Private) Limited and Enshaa NLC Developments (Private) Limited) in proceedings under the Arbitration Act, 1940 to determine disputes arising out of a contract for the construction of the proposed Karachi Financial Towers.
• Acting as sole arbitrator appointed by consent of the parties (Associated Constructors Limited and TPL Properties (Private) Limited) in proceedings under the Arbitration Act, 1940 to determine disputes arising out of a contract for the construction of a multi-storied Trakker Tower in Karachi.