• Details
  • Contacts




Calle 93B # 18 – 12
Oficina 306
Bogotá, Colombia

Main Contact: José Elías Del Hierro Hoyos
T: (571) 2363330
F: (571) 7557426
E: jedelhierro@delhierroabogados.com
W: www.delhierroabogados.com

DEL HIERRO ABOGADOS is a law Firm leader in providing legal services to foreign companies. DEL HIERRO ABOGADOS is aware that proper and timely legal advice is the key to success of any company and is convinced of the need for comprehensive legal advice with the globalization of markets in mind. DEL HIERRO ABOGADOS is not limited to providing legal services. Beyond this, DEL HIERRO ABOGADOS becomes a strategic partner interested in understanding its customers, their businesses, the environment and its customers in such a way that provides prudent advice and provide creative recommendations.

The lawyers of the Firm, aside from being excellent professionals, are recognized for their great dedication to service, commitment, professionalism, ethics and moral behavior.

The Firm, convinced of the need to provide an integral legal service to its clients,  has a top external advisory group to complement the various practice areas of the Firm and to support the needs of its clients.

The Firm specializes in Aviation Law, Corporations, Contracts, Competition Law and Litigation.