Category: Global Aviation News

GATS impact on sale and purchase of German-registered aircraft under lease

The Aviation Working Group (AWG) comprises leading aviation manufacturers, financiers and lessors. It contributes to the development and acceptance of policies, laws, regulations and rules that facilitate advanced international aviation financing and leasing.


Update on Aviation Developments in Hong Kong and the PRC

L2b Aviation member Claudio de Bedin, partner with de Bedin & Lee, LLP, shares a brief update on aviation developments in Hong Kong and the People’s Republic of China (PRC).


Italian Antitrust Procedure in Relation to Airlines’ New Hand Baggage Policy – Update

By precautionary order dated 31 Oct. 2018 the Italian Antitrust Authority (AGCM) required the EU carriers Ryanair and Wizz Air to suspend the implementation of a new hand baggage policy that provides the payment of a surcharge to bring on board a standard trolley (i.e. up 55x40x23 cm) for flights departing from 1 Nov. 2018. In practice, the two airlines allow to bring on board for free only a “small” hand baggage (i.e. up to 40x30x20 cm) to be stored exclusively under the passenger seat, while for larger hand baggage customers would pay an extra-fee between Euro 5 and 25 (based on the various booking options).


Towards the Harmonization of the European Rules on Unmanned Aircraft

Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 – referred to as the “new” Basic Regulation as it replaced Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation – came into force on 11 Sept. 2018 and can be considered a further step ahead in view of a widely expected EU legislation on unmanned aircraft. The […]


A step forward in Alitalia sale process

Alitalia is a leading Italian airline that has faced financial difficulties and related restructuring projects over the years. In May 2017 the Ministry for Economic Development, on Alitalia’s application, resolved to open the special insolvency procedure (‘extraordinary administration’) pursuant to Law 39/2004 (for further details please see “Alitalia recovery plan takes flight“). The procedure is […]


Italian antitrust procedure in respect of airlines’ new hand baggage policy

On 31 October 2018 the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) ordered the Irish carrier Ryanair and the Hungarian carrier Wizz Air to suspend the implementation of a new hand baggage policy that would have charged passengers extra for bringing a standard-sized trolley (ie, up to 55cm x 40cm x 23cm) on board flights departing from 1 November 2018.


Recent developments in aircraft repossession

In November 2018 one of Brazil’s four major airlines, Oceanair Linhas Aéreas SA (which operates under the name Avianca Brazil), fell into considerable arrears for non-payment of aircraft and aircraft engine lease payments.


Supreme Court orders Iberia to cease using abusive terms and conditions

On 13 November 2018 the Supreme Court (Civil Chamber) issued its judgment(1) following cessation proceedings against a Madrid Provincial Audience judgment of 17 July 2015. The proceedings stemmed from a 2011 collective action against Iberia, Líneas Aéreas de España SA, which the Spanish Consumers and Users Organisation had filed with the Madrid Commercial Court in order to obtain the annulment of several clauses of Iberia’s standard terms and conditions.


Costa Rica – Proposal for Non-aeronautical service fees in the Juan Santamaria International Airport

Public Consultation. The Civil Aviation Technical Council (CTAC) has submitted for public consultation the Non-aeronautical service fees in the Juan Santamaria International Airport. This proposal aims to adjust the amounts collected by AERIS and CTAC based on inflation of services such as security, airfield, airline’s offices, among others.  Additionally, there is a new amount to […]


Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 on Common Rules in the Field of Civil Aviation – A Focus on Unmanned Aircraft

The subject regulation (entered into force on 11 Sept. 2018) can be considered as a further step ahead in view of the provision of a widely expected European regulation in respect of drones. Recital 26 of the newly issued regulation indeed states: “Since unmanned aircraft also operate within the airspace alongside manned aircraft, this Regulation […]



I trust Ulrich’s judgment – his advice is both legally on point and commercially savvy. In reality, Ulrich functions more like an in-house attorney, since he acts on our behalf with very little supervision or direction required.

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