Aicraft Title & Registrations

9. Are the entries in the aircraft registry of this location made available to the public upon submission of a specific application to the competent authority? Are there any fees payable for this?


The entries on the Certificate of Registration are available to the public online. However, there is not information available for the public regarding the owner of the aircraft due to data protection reasons. However, upon request of the owner or holder/operator of aircraft Austro Control issues a Confirmation confirming who has been disclosed to the authority as owner (in the legal sense of ownership of property) of the aircraft. The fee payable are EUR 73. 


The procedure is the same as described in question four. These four stages are for any document, title, or act, and could be summarized as: initial filing, assessment, registration, and proof of registration (RAC 20.7.9). 

According to the Colombian Aeronautical Regulations (RAC), the specific documents required for this process are:  

  1. certificate of legal representative (no older than two months before the registration day);   
  2. verification of personal information;  
  3. import certificate; and  
  4. payment support.  


The entries in the Aircraft Register are generally not open to the public to be searched; however, data recorded in the Aircraft Register may be requested if that person provides prima facie evidence that it needs such information for the enforcement of a private claim (section 64(8) of the Air Traffic Act). Moreover, for data protection laws, only the registered owner may request a register extract from the LBA (with a current date). The LBA currently, as of April 2021, charges for such extract with a fee of EUR 40. 


The aircraft register is open for inspection to members of the public, both at the DGCA headquarters as well as on the DGCA website. The Inspection is free of charge.  


Any person may, with the consent of the Aircraft Registrar, review the registration of an aircraft in the register and receive a certified copy of such registration after payment of a fee in the amount of NIS 200 (approximately $62 USD). 


The entries are available upon a party making a formal request and paying the applicable fee of KES 3,000 (approx. $30 USD) to the KCAA, which will then provide an extract of the register relating to the aircraft. 


Any registration of an aircraft in the NAR in Malta shall have its information made public once the registration of the aircraft has been completed. The information shall be considered to be within the knowledge of third parties. Any person can request a transcript to be issued on a specific aircraft – duly issued upon payment of the prescribed fee. Kindly note that the details of any lease agreement or mortgage will not be available to the public.  


Yes. Entries in the Mexican Aeronautics Registry are public and can be accessed upon submission of a specific search request. Fees in the amount of $10.00 USD (approximately) must be paid. 


There is a general overview of registered aircraft on the website of the Civil Aviation Authority: 

The registry is available free of charge, but only provides information regarding the ownership of the aircraft.  

Every six months – 1 January and 1 July – the overview of all registered aircraft and their owners are published. A report is also published showing monthly changes. 

However, the register also contains other information, cf. section 3-17 of the Aviation Act: A “journal shall be kept for documents that are required to be registered, and aircraft register with a separate document for each aircraft”. The registration takes place by ensuring that an “excerpt of the document is entered into the journal and the aircraft register, and that the document is applied to a Certificate of Registration”. The register is open to the public in the “way that the Ministry decides”. 

Anyone can “by agreement review” the register in the civil aviation authority’s opening hours. Refer to the Registration of Aviation (administrative regulation) section 5.  

Anyone can “obtain a print or copy of the journal, aircraft register (notarized registry printing) and archived duplicates”, see section 3-20 of the Civil Aviation Act. 

For notarized register printing, a fee shall be paid in accordance with Fee to Civil Aviation Authority (administrative regulation) section 2, cf. Registration of Aviation (administrative regulation) section 34.  The same applies to notarized copy of registered document, duplicate and auxiliary document. 


The Pakistan Aircraft Register shall be made available for inspection at such times and subject to such conditions as the Director-General may specify. The fee payable for issuance of Aircraft Extract from Pakistan Aircraft Register is Rs. 11,625. As a matter of practice, the PCAA does not make entries in the Pakistan Aircraft Register public and issues an extract of the Pakistan Aircraft Register provided an application is submitted by or on behalf of the owner of the aircraft.  


The entries of the aircraft at the Public Registry records are available to the public.  No fees are charged for consultation. The information on the Public Registry is available to the general public. 


The purchase Agreement and transfer of an aircraft title must be done via a Public Deed. Previous parties who signed it need to register their Powers at the Public Registry. 

Costs at the Public Notary vary. Normally they charge a percentage of the price. Costs at the Public Registry is a flat of approx. $120 USD for 2021.  


Any person may request access to information from CAAP, including the list of entries in the aircraft registry, if it does not fall within any of the exceptions under the Freedom of Information Manual of CAAP. 

As a rule, no fees shall be payable for any request for access to information. However, a reasonable fee may be imposed for the reimbursement of necessary costs, including costs of reproduction, and copying of the information required, subject to existing rules and regulations. In no case shall the applicable fees be so onerous as to defeat the purpose of the right to access information.


Yes, the register is made publicly available by law. A written excerpt from the register is subject to a fee of PLN 347. However, in practice, it is usually possible to informally check the basic information on an aircraft by calling the Civil Aircraft Registry Department at the CAA. 


Yes, ANAC provides certified and complete information on all aircraft registry entries upon request and at no charge. The information is provided in Portuguese or English. 


In 2020 a new Aeronautical Code was adopted in Romania. This Code provides expressly in article 22 para 3 that RUIAC is not public, while in the previous code there was no provision as to the character of RUIAC.  

There is currently a discrepancy with the provisions of the Romanian Registration Regulation adapted in 2016 which provides that the data recorded in RUIAC and in the Registry for securities are public and are published on the RCAA website. It is to be mentioned that these are not actually published on the RCAA website. The data published regards the Romanian operators, the type of certificate they hold, its availability, and the aircrafts included in the operator’s AOC or AOA (type and registration mark). 

The Romanian Registration Regulation further provides that the data registered in RUIAC and in the Registry of securities may be provided in writing to the interested parties following the submission of an application to this end and the payment of the fee of 45 Euros per aircraft plus VAT. The application must contain the name and address of the applicant, the requested information, the reasons of the request and purpose for which the information shall be used.  

The application is subject to the approval of the RCAA’s general manager who may reject such a request if the following are affected: the public order, national security, privacy and integrity of the citizen, the commercial interests of natural and legal persons, court actions, legal certification, the pending inspections and investigations or other relevant aspects regarding a conflict of interests. 

The Romanian Registration Regulation is a secondary legislation compared to the Aeronautical Code. Hence, if in discrepancy with the Aeronautical Regulation, the provisions of the Romanian Registration Regulation may be subject to annulment at the request of an interested party, or the authority may voluntarily repeal such provision. 


The following information is made available to the public on the website of the registry without payment of any fees and without submission any application: 

  • Registration mark of the aircraft; 
  • Type of the aircraft; 
  • Manufacturer of the aircraft; 
  • Manufacturer’s mark (assigned to the aircraft by the Manufacturer); 
  • Serial number of the aircraft; 
  • Name of the Operator; 

The information above is available on the Registry’s website:Регистар-ваздухоплова 

10. What kind of aircraft operations can be conducted with aircraft registered in Serbia (i.e., private use, commercial air transport or both)?  

Both, private use and commercial transport can be conducted with aircraft registered in Serbia. If the aircraft is to be used for commercial air transport, the operator must possess a Certificate of the air traffic operator issued by the Directorate.  


Yes, the aircraft registry of Slovenia is public. The registry can be after registration on the web page accessed on the following link

South Africa

Entries in the registry are made available to parties that have a legitimate interest in the aircraft demonstrated by a letter of authority. Information provided to such parties exclude postal and physical addresses and other possible contact details (i.e., telephone and email) of the holder of the Certificate of Registration. The entries are accessed by application to the SACAA in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act. Nominal fees are payable to the SACAA, including for copies of the documents.


Rudimentary information about the entries in the Civil aircraft registry is available on the Authorities website ( Swedish only). This includes information such as aircraft type, serial number, manufacturing year, airworthiness expiration, date of registry and registered owner and operator (if applicable). 

More information, such as historic information and any liens or rights regarding the aircraft, can be requested from the Authority. If there are any payable fees, it depends on the volume of requested documents, but usually it’s a very small amount.  


Although the Swiss Aircraft Register is not a public register, the FOCA maintains a database of Swiss registered aircraft which is freely accessible online: 

( The Swiss Aircraft Record is, as a matter of law, public and entries are furnished upon application to the FOCA. For a transcript from the Swiss Aircraft Record a fee of CHF 50 applies (CHF 85 for a certified extract). 

The Bahamas

Pursuant to Section 8(2) of the CAABA, the aircraft registry in The Bahamas is open to inspection by any member of the public at all reasonable times at the office of the Authority. There is no fee payable for this. 

USA – Miami

A person can check if an aircraft is properly registered for operation in the National Airspace System by performing a free aircraft inquiry on the FAA website: 

USA – Oklahoma City

Title, registration, security, lease, trust, and other documents filed with the FAA registry are maintained in the FAA’s public records. Members of the public may obtain copies of aircraft records from the FAA for a fee. Limited information regarding an aircraft’s registered owner and registration status is available free of charge on the FAA’s website.  However, this information may not account for title or registration documents filed with the FAA but not yet processed.