Aicraft Title & Registrations

10. What kind of aircraft operations can be conducted with aircraft registered in this location (i.e., private use, commercial air transport or both)?


At Austro Control aircraft can be registered for conducting private and commercial aircraft operations, provided of course that all formal requirements are met.


Each certificate in the Aeronautical National Registry displays the following information: 

  1. identification of the aircraft such as nationality, brand, serial number, manufacturer’s designation, etc.;  
  2. owner name; 
  3. operator name; 
  4. legal aspects: mortgages, leases, warranties, liens, ownership restrictions, etc.; and 
  5. CAA’s observations.  


Both private and commercial air transport however, commercial air transport may only be made if the aircraft is operated by an airline having an air operator certificate on which the respective aircraft is included. 


Certificate of Registration of an aircraft is not equivalent to an operator permit. For different types of operations, relevant approvals must be sought from the DGCA.  


Both, subject to the applicable legislation and holding the necessary licenses and certifications. 


Both private and commercial air transport operations can be conducted with aircraft registered in Kenya. However, it is worth noting that commercial air transport operations4 are subject to heightened regulatory scrutiny. For example, no operator can engage in commercial air transport in Kenya unless the operator is issued with an air operator certificate by the KCAA.    


An aircraft registered in Malta can use the aircraft for purposes relating to private use and commercial air transport.  


The following aircraft operations can be conducted with aircraft registered in Mexico:  

  1. domestic scheduled air transportation;
  2. international scheduled air transportation;
  3. domestic non-scheduled air transportation;
  4. international non-scheduled air transportation;
  5. private commercial air transportation, and
  6. private non-commercial air transportation.  


The aircraft may be used both for private and commercial purposes. The register applies to all aircraft, regardless of their use. See the above definition of aviation and aircraft in the Norwegian legislation.  


Both private use and commercial air transport operations can be conducted with aircraft registered in Pakistan. 


Panamanian law allows private and commercial use of aircraft subject to compliance with regulations and obtention of the AAC license. 


Each certificate in the Aeronautical National Registry displays the following information: 

  1. identification of the aircraft: nationality, brand, serial number, manufacturer’s designation, etc.;  
  2. owner/Lessor name;  
  3. operator/Lessee name; 
  4. legal aspects: mortgages, leases, warranties, liens, ownership restrictions, etc.; and  
  5. DGAC’s (Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil) observations.  


PCAR Part 8 provides that Aircraft Operations that can be conducted with the registered aircraft are commercial air transport operations and general aviation operations

Commercial air transport shall include operations involving the transport of passengers, cargo, or mail for remuneration or hire. General aviation operation refers to any other aircraft operations than a commercial air transport operation or an aerial work operation.  


There is no limit on the type of operations associated with the registration of a civil aircraft with the Polish registry of civil aircraft, or there are no separate registers for different aircraft uses. The only plausibly related exception is the separate register for state-owned aircraft, for the military, police, fire departments, etc.  

Of course, the above is without prejudice to other regulations restricting the right to use aircraft for specific types of operations, including those associated with the aircraft’s airworthiness, operator’s licence, and any other permits that may be required. 


Aircraft operations can be conducted in Portugal for private use, commercial air transport, and for aerial work, depending on the aircraft type and operator’s license. 


 An aircraft registered in Romania may be operated for both commercial air transport and private use. The aircraft may also be used for specialized commercial operations (other than commercial air transport) performed in areas such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveillance, observation and patrol, and aerial advertising. 


Both, private use and commercial transport can be conducted with aircraft registered in Serbia. If the aircraft is to be used for commercial air transport, the operator must possess a Certificate of the air traffic operator issued by the Directorate.


Both private use and commercial air transport can be conducted with aircraft registered in Slovenia.

South Africa



When an aircraft is registered it is automatically eligible for private use. However, in order to use the aircraft for commercial air transport, an Air Operating Certificate and an Operating License are required.  

However, regardless of the use, the aircraft has to have an airworthiness certificate or a permit to fly issued by the Authority.  


The operation of Swiss-registered aircraft is, like in the EU, governed by the Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012 and, subject to the conditions set out in that regulation, aircraft can be used for commercial, non-commercial, and specialised operations. 

The Bahamas

Bahamian registered aircraft may be operated under any of the following type of operations:  

  1. Commercial Air Transportation – Airplanes (Air Operator Certificate),  
  2. Private Airplanes or helicopter for general aviation, 
  3. Commercial Air Transportation – Helicopters (Operator Certificate),
  4. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS),
  5. Aerial work activities or,
  6. Commercial under a foreign Air Operator Certificate utilizing an ICAO 83bis Agreement.  

USA – Miami


USA – Oklahoma City

Aircraft registered in the U.S. may be operated for both private use and commercial air transport. The aircraft owner and operator should consult with appropriate counsel to ensure that the aircraft is operated in accordance with applicable FAA regulations.

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