Drone Regulations: Colombia

Contributor: Juliana Tellez, José Elías Del Hierro Gamboa and José Elías Del Hierro Hoyos


1. Are UAS considered as “aircraft” in your country?

In Colombia Resolution 4201 of 2018 issued by civil aviation authority consider UAS as aircraft according to ICAO Circular No. 328. Before this resolution, civil aviation authority considered only RPAS as aircrafts in the Circular No. 02 of 2015.

2. Which bodies regulate the remotely-piloted and/or unmanned aircraft operations in your country, under what basic laws?

Civil operations are regulated and supervised by Civil Aviation Authority (UAEAC) in Resolution 4201 of 2018. Operations performed by Colombian state are supervised and regulated directly by the state aviation authority (AAES).

According to that, all the current regulation that is available for public consult is the civil UAS regulation (Resolution 4201 of 2018) which is what we are going to study in this document.

3. Is there a distinction between “State UAS” and “Private UAS”?

UAS are controlled and supervised by different authorities, as we explain before, State UAS are those that require a special permit and supervision of AAES and Private UAS are define as every UAS used in civil activities which operations required being supervised and regulated by UAEAC.

4. Is there any distinction between public, leisure and commercial UAS? What regulations are provided for UAS operations in each group?

The regulation makes a distinction between state UAS and civil UAS. Civil UAS, which includes commercial and leisure UAS must register before UAEAC. Instead public UAS must be register and supervised by the AAES.

Civil UAS are regulated by the Resolution 4201 of 2018 which was incorporated as an appendix of Colombian Aeronautical Regulations, part 91.

Public UAS are regulate by AAES in they S-ART internal policies.

5. Is there a distinction, in terms of regulation, between completely autonomous UAS and remotely-piloted UAS?

In 2015 Colombian regulation started including RPAS as aircraft and gave to them a special regulation: Circular 02 of 2015, in which was only include RPAS and not the others UAS.

In 2018, regulation change modifying Circular 02 of 2015, in its place authority issued Resolution 4201 of 2018 includes all UAS and does not do a distinction in terms of regulation between RPAS and UAS.

Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“UAS”) Operations - Safety

6. How are UAS operations regulated in terms of safety?

To operate UAS must to fulfill some requirements in safety terms. Regulation also divides the operation in Class A and Class b, being first one is less risky than the second. This also implies that the requirements in safety conditions are less high for Class A than for Class B.

According to classification, every class must fulfill the following conditions:


Verify the operational environment considering crowd and properties in surface and in air. Person who oversees UAS operation must have verify that any person who is involved in the operation has a complete knowledge and information of the operation and the aircraft. Make sure the communication system between the aircraft and ground control station is working correctly. Verify that battery of the aircraft and remoted control is enough for the operation. Verify that flight time does not exceed the 80% of producer established autonomy Land when operator perceives any other aircraft Coordinate with the other operator when in the middle of the flight notice other UAS Stop operation when find any signal that ay interference with the current operation Operation must attend the producer recommendations Do not operate an UAS under alcohol or other psychoactive substances


Operation Class B must follow the same safety conditions than Class A plus the following special technical requirements:

Keep the original producer structural elements and control systems Do not modify its configuration unless producer authorize it Remoted control system must not interfere with other systems UAS must have the producer guides about operation and maintenance instructions and them will be part of the guide that the UAS owner shall present to the authority to obtain the operation permit UAS must have autopilot, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), recovery system and, if the UAS require it launch system. The aircraft must be in a visible color and have adhesive reflexive straps Besides producer identification aircraft must have the information of the owner identification which must include name, register number with the authority, address and telephone number. Aircraft weight must not exceed 150 kgs. and the weight established by the producer If are going to operate in night, UAS must have appropriate lighting system If the aircraft is going to execute any authorized transportation operation must guarantee a save load securing system

Is important mention that there is a third class called Class C which is forbid by the current regulation. Class C are all those UAS which weight is more than 150 kgs., those which provide transportation services and those which make international overflights.

7. Is the applicable regulation considering the rule of 1 UAS = 1 pilot?

Regulation established that a pilot only can operate one UAS at the time but one UAS could be operated by more than one person.

There is also an exception: in Class B UAEAC could approve swarm operation.

Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems ("UAS") Operations - Licensing

8. What procedures are there to obtain licenses or the rights to operate UAS?

Procedure depends, if it is a public UAS must be register and authorized by AAES.

All civil UAS owners must register they and them UAS before UAEAC data base. Class A UAS do not need any licenses to operate however Class B need to obtain an operation authorization.

In that way, the procedure for Class B UAS operation authorization require to fulfill the following steps:

Owner of the UAS shall require the authorization before Air Navigation Services Direction (DSNA) of the UAEAC. The requirement must contain: City and date Name and ID of the owner Place of the launch and the operation area Altitude that aircraft requires for the operation Route or patter Time of the operation, including start time Name and identification of operator or operators Operation description Total weight at take off time Telephone to contact during the operation Declaration that certifies the UAS is in adequate technical conditions for a save operation Surety or insurance to respond for damages to third parties

2.     DSNA should give or deny the authorization in the following five days except when the authorization implies public interests in which case DSNA should give or deny the authorization in the following twelve hours.

If the requirement implies overflight non authorized zones the DSNA must coordinate with AAES.


9. Are there any kind of taxes or fees regarding the licensing procedure?

According to the regulation, no payment is requirement for this authorization.

10. Is a Certificate of Airworthiness mandatory to operate a UAS?

No, airworthiness is not a requirement

11. Is access to the market for the provision of UAS operation services regulated and, if so, how?

No, it is not regulated still.

12. What requirements apply in the areas of financial strength and nationality of ownership regarding control of UAS?

This matter does not have a specific regulation yet.

13. Is drone transport permitted / regulated in your country?

For Class A transport is not allowed. However, for Class B regulation permit the transport with some restrictions. For example, animal transport is not allowed but UAEAC could authorize it when animals shall be use for plague control.

As well, for agricultural aspersion throw objects is allowed, otherwise throwing objects in flight is prohibited.

Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems ("UAS") - Operations - Others

14. Is there a specific Data & Privacy Protection regulation applicable to UAS operations?

No there is not specific regulation, but even when the register is available for public consult UAEAC must fulfill with current legislation about data bases and must give the correct treatment to all the information that collect during the registration process according to that legislation

15. Is there a specific control-link interference regulation applicable to UAS operations?

No but every UAS operator must suspend the operation when notice any interference in the remoted control system.

16. Do specific rules regulate UAS manufacturers?

No there are not yet.

17. What requirements must a foreign UAS operator satisfy in order to operate to or from your country?

There are no special requirements for foreign UAS operators, depends of the kind of the operation that want to be perform the foreign operator should follow the requirements of Class A or Class B. Besides the mandatory register in front of the UAEAC.

18. Are fares or pricing of UAS operations regulated and, if so, how?

There are not any fare or pricing od UAS operations yet.

The Aircraft (“UAS”)

19. Must UAS be registered in any particular register?

Yes, every UAS must be registered in a special data base before of the Civil Aviation Authority. However, even when there is a minim of information that be require for both, Class A and Class B, to Class B authority require more information

20. Who is entitled to be mentioned in the UAS register?

To Class A only the owner of the UAS must be registered. In Class B regulation requires owner and any operator.

21. Do requirements or limitations apply to the ownership of a UAS listed on your country’s register?

There are not specific rules to own an UAS but there are some requirements for the operators. In that way, as we mentioned before, in Class B the operator must be register, and to operate an UAS Class B authority established the following requirements:

The operator must be over 18 years old. The operator must have a theoretical and a practical course by an aeronautical instruction center authorized by the civil aviation authority and have the certification of having approved both courses. The operator must have full knowledge of the UAS brand and model. The operator must keep a personal record of the hours of operation of the UAS in which the date, time of detachment and landing, number of routes and description of the operated device are identified.

22. Do specific rules regulate the maintenance of UAS?

In general regulation demands the owner and operator know all that is related with the operation, producer instructions, which includes the maintenance of UAS, and UAS functionality. Beside for Class B UAS regulation stablished some specific requirements for the maintenance which are shown below:

Any person who performs maintenance on a UAS or any of its components the methods, techniques and practices described in the manufacturer or manufacturer’s manuals or any other technical document updated by these. The replacement materials or parts shall be those prescribed or accepted by the manufacturer or UAS builder Parts should not be used or work performed that involves design alteration original of the device, especially in the case of structural variations, changes in the weight that affect the center of gravity or flight characteristics unless have express approval of the manufacturer or builder, or the UAEAC when it is of scientific research, development or innovation projects. Maintenance work must be carried out by qualified persons who know the manufacturer’s manuals. The operator must document maintenance work on its UAS and keep a historical record of them, including the information of the people who executed the maintenance.

Operation Zones

23. Which are the operational and distance limitations for an aerial work with a UAS? Is there any kind of certificate or permission to operate beyond those limitations?

The current regulation establishes some limitation to UAS operation. As we have been explained before, limitations may have some changes between Class A or Class B. In that way, limitations for each class are:

Class A:

Maximum weight shall be 25 kgs. Maximum speed shall be 80 km/h Operator must keep the UAS within sight range within a maximum radius of 500 m horizontal during all phases of the flight. If the operator loses it must interrupt immediately the operation. Operation may not be performed directly above public, meeting of people at outdoors, agglomerations of buildings or others populated areas. All flights must be made at a height that not exceed 400 ft above land or water. Visibility conditions shall not be less than 5 km measured from the location of the UAS control station. The minimum distance of the clouds from the aircraft may not be less than 500 ft. Operation shall be performed in a non-controlled air space. It cannot be operated from an airport or airfield or its vicinity within a radius of 9 km. It cannot be operated from a heliport or its vicinity within a radius of 3 km Only image captures (still or moving) are allowed. Other activities as fumigation or aerial spraying are completely forbidden. Transport activities are prohibited. Search or rescue operations are reserve for authorities or relief agencies or with prior coordination with them. It cannot perform any operation in restricted areas which will be previously published by the UAEAC. These operations only could be performed with previous authorization and coordination with the AAAE. One person only can operate one UAS at time. Operation should not be performed from a land, water or air vehicle in movement. No objects should be thrown in flight. Autonomous operations cannot be performed Operation can´t be performed within a radius of 2 km around any place where the president or any other chiefs of state are. Operation cannot be performed within a radius of 1 km around of military or police bases, prisons, critical infrastructure or any manned aircraft in operation. Operation cannot be performed within 3.6 km of border areas or cross borders states boundaries.

When a Class A exceeds any of its limitations, the UAS must follow the Class B dispositions needing the authorization and all the additional requirements the regulation provides.

Class B:

Maximum weight shall be 150 kgs. Maximum speed shall be 160 km/h Operator must keep the UAS within sight range within a maximum radius of 750 m horizontal during all phases of the flight. If the operator loses it must interrupt immediately the operation. The entire operation must be performed only during daylight hours (from 15 minutes after sunrise and up to 15 minutes before sunset. However, operations may be performed at night hours as lighting to make it easily visible. All flights must be made at a height that not exceed 400 ft above land or water. Visibility conditions shall not be less than 5 km measured from the location of the UAS control station. The minimum distance of the clouds from the aircraft may not be less than 500 ft. It cannot be operated from an airport or airfield or its vicinity within a radius of 9 km. It cannot be operated from a heliport or its vicinity within a radius of 3 km Any operation different than image capture shall require special permit of UAEAC. Search or rescue operations are reserve for authorities or relief agencies or with prior coordination with them. It cannot perform any operation in restricted areas which will be previously published by the UAEAC. These operations only could be performed with previous authorization and coordination with the AAAE. One person only can operate one UAS at time, except when UAEAC authorize a swarm operation. Except when a previous authorized aspersion operation is been performed, throwing objects is forbidden. Animals cannot be transported except when they will be used for plague control. Autonomous operations cannot be performed except when they are previously authorized. Explosive, corrosive, biohazard materials, weapons or any other type of merchandise considered dangerous or prohibited shall not be transported. This shall not apply for the batteries required for operation. Operation can´t be performed within a radius of 2 km around any place where the president or any other chiefs of state are. Operation cannot be performed within a radius of 1 km around of military or police bases, prisons, critical infrastructure or any manned aircraft in operation. Operation cannot be performed within 3.6 km of border areas or cross borders states boundaries.


24. Are UAS obliged to take off from and/or land in specific facilities?

Yes. When in the middle of the flight any UAS perceives a manned aircraft UAS should immediately land. As well, when in the middle of the operation UAS notice other UAS, the operators must coordinate to avoid a collision.

25. Which kind of airspaces are UAS permitted to operate with?

For Class A the permitted airspace is the non-controlled space (Class G airspace). For Class B it would be depend of the authorization.

26. Which airspaces are restricted for UAS?

As we explained before, there are some spaces that have restrictions to operate. That is the case of airports, heliports, prisons, military and police bases, critical infrastructure and places in which are the president or any other chiefs of state are.

As well, there are some distances of land, water and clouds that must be respected.

27. Which zones are UAS operations banned?

As they have spaces restrictions, there are some places that UAS cannot operate. This is the case of prisons, military or police bases, airports, heliports, critical infrastructure and places in which are the president or any other chiefs of state.

28. Who provides air traffic control services for UAS in your country?

There are not traffic control services for Class A. In Class B UAEAC is on charge of give the guidelines for its operation through the authorization.

Liability and Accidents

29. Are there any special rules in respect of loss or damage to cargo?

No there is not special rules in respect of the loss or damage to cargo yet.

30. Are there any special rules about the liability of UAS operators for surface damage?

At first place, any UAS operation violation of the current regulation will constitute an infraction in accordance with the sanctioning regime contained in the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia (RAC) part 13, without prejudice to civil, criminal or police liability that may drive from the activity performed.

Besides according to police code, authorities competent for the effective fulfillment of the police function may suspend or prevent all activity with UAS and seize the device involved when they notice any violation of applicable legal dispositions or when operation represents an imminent threat to citizen security, coexistence and security. In those cases, police authority could coordinate with UAEAC to take the relevant measures related to custody of the UAS and all measures that maintain adequate control over operations whatever class is.

To keep the control and order in UAS operation, authorities may intercept and disable UAS by using electronic countermeasures or any other mechanism that they consider useful for the purpose.

31. Is there a mandatory accident and incident reporting system and, if so, how does it operate?

The operator, the owner or who manipulates the flight control must report to special dependence of UAEAC called Operational Security of Civil Aviation Secretary (SSOAC), any event during the operation of the device in which:

Injuries to persons or damages to property on surface are caused. Collision with other unnamed aircraft. Collision against any element of country’s critical infrastructure

The operator, the owner or who manipulates the flight control, whatever its class, must report immediately to UAEAC’s incident and accident investigation group (GRIIA) the occurrence of accident or incident during the operation of the device in which a manned aircraft or any element of the aeronautical infrastructure was involved.

32. What system and procedures are in place for the investigation of UAS accidents?

Besides the aforementioned in question 31, there is not and special procedure for the investigation of incidents and accidents that involves UAS. All incidents and accidents investigations must follow the general rules that are contained in Aeronautical Regulation of Colombia (RAC) part 114.

33. Are UAS operators obliged to have insurance for their operations? If so, which are their main features?

Only Class B are required to have an insurance for their operation. In this class the operator must have constituted a security or a liability policy that ensure their liability from damage caused to third parties on surface.

34. What is insured? The operator, the business or the aircraft?

In the aforementioned case is the damages caused by the operator what is insured.

Financial Support and State Aid

35. Are there sector-specific rules regulating direct or indirect financial support to companies by the government or government-controlled agencies or companies (state aid) in the UAS sector? If not, do general state aid rules apply?

As we explained at the beginning of our document, the regulation for public UAS is not available for public consult, so is not possible for us to assure that government guides for the general rules or have any specific policies.

36. What are the main principles of the stated aid rules applicable to the UAS sector?

Is not possible for us answer this question with certainty because state policies regarding UAS are not publicly available.

37. Are there exemptions from the state aid rules or situations in which they do not apply?

Is not possible for us answer this question with certainty because state policies regarding UAS are not publicly available.

38. Must clearance from the competition authorities be obtained before state aid may be granted?

Is not possible for us answer this question with certainty because state policies regarding UAS are not publicly available.