Drone Regulations
15. Is there a specific control-link interference regulation applicable to UAS operations?
At 4.902 CAR OPS 4 provides that following any act of unlawful interference, the PIC shall submit a report to the CAA-B.
The regulation project established that in case of loss of link with the RPA the operator mustfollow the manufactures procedures and, furthermore, in case of loss of link in the surrounding area of an airfield, operator must communicate such loss -immediately- to the relevant authorities.
Brazilian airspace is controlled by DECEA. Military interference is always authorized to safeguard airspace. ANAC’s website has a channel of communication for any reports by third parties.
No but every UAS operator must suspend the operation when notice any interference in the remoted control system.
Costa Rica
There is not express regulation on this matter.
El Salvador
If UAS are operated at less than 400 feet, UAS operator must inform the operator of manned aircraft in order to avoid collisions or interferences. In addition, UAS operator must verify that other radio frequencies and transmissions do not interfere with the control of the aircraft.
All aircraft being illicitly interfered will notify the Authorities, specifically the Air Traffic System to minimize the traffic conflicts that may occur.
There is no specific control-link interference regulation applicable to UAS operations in India. The CAR provides that the ground control station (while in use or in store) shall be secured by the operator from sabotage or unlawful interference. The CAR also provides that maintenance of the ground control equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended inspection and overhaul interval, as applicable.
According to Section 7A of the Wireless Telegraph Ordinance [New Version], 1972 (“the Telegraph Ordinance”), the operation of a wireless device, without a license, in the field of frequencies intended for connection with aircraft or for the operation of an aviation assistive device or in other circumstances that could cause a disruption or interference to contact with an aircraft or the operation of an aviation assistive device, is a criminal offence, the punishment for which is up to 5 years of imprisonment, or up to 3 years if the offence was done in negligence.
According to Section 12 of the Telegraph Ordinance, a police officer may enter a place and conduct a search, without a judge’s warrant, if he has reason to believe, on the basis of a complaint from an inspector, that a wireless device is activated, or has recently been activated, in that place, that may cause disruption of interference to contact with an aircraft or the operation of an aviation assistive device or to endanger human life.
No, there is not. UAS data link must ensure functions of command and control appropriate for the area of operations in terms of reliability and stability. The data link must use frequencies authorised and selected in order to minimize the possibility of unexpected and/or unlawful interferences, capable of jeopardizing the safety of flight operations.
There are no specific control link interference regulations applicable to UAS operations in Kenya.
There is no specific regulation; however, communication interference in general is regulated in the General Communications Law (Ley de Vías Generales de Comunicación).
There is not an express regulation on this matter.
Refer to our response to question 31 below.
Yes, Section P of the Regulations contains a reference to the communication and navigation equipment that the RPAs should have and the requirements for the operations of the RPAs within air controlled spaces.
Presently, the PCAR does not provide for specific control-link interference regulation applicable to UAS operations.
However, by definition of “Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS),” it includes the remotely piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilot stations, and the required command and control links and any other components as specified in the type design.
Puerto Rico
There is no current state legislation in Puerto Rico covering specific control-link interference.
It is mandatory to obtain the authorization of the National Ministry of Defense if (i) the UAS is equipped with photographic/video cameras, (ii) the UAS performs topo geodesic measurements at a scale bigger than 1:20000, (iii) the UAS is used for VFR traffic information, (iv) the UAS is to fly under 3,000 m height above Bucharest (except for those which are within the control zone of Baneasa aerodrome and flights after take-off or for landing on any of the other authorized aerodromes in Bucharest area).
It is mandatory to obtain the approval from RCAA for flights below the limits imposed by the law: (i) 300 m over the highest fixed obstacle above areas with dense population, (ii) 150 m in the other areas, (iii) acrobatic flights, (iv) technical flights.
Special authorization is also required for flights over border areas and Delta Danube Biosphere.
South Africa
Under RD 1036/2017 operators shall comply with the radio spectrum regulations as regards the operation with its UAS. This means that the regulations on General Telecommunications (Act 9/2014 of 9th May) are applicable to its operations and the European regulations of this matter (Directive 2014/53/UE, and other complementary legislation as well). In case of non-complying with the provisions of said legislation, the fines described in the Act 9/2014 shall apply.
In the Spanish perspective, the UAS operator and the UAS pilot shall comply with the CNAF (National frequency allocation table), not only in respect of the aircraft itself but also in relation to the link with the control station and any other device remotely controlled by means of a radio frequency. Regarding said regulations, the operators shall keep their communications safe from unlawful interference, duly encrypted and try to protect the links with the aircraft free of any interception, and protect the data transferred in the electronic communications.
Under European Regulations, minimum requirements for drones to be used under OPEN category indicate that UAS shall be safely controllable with regards to the data link performance following manufacturer instructions. Likewise, it is repeated the obligation mentioned under Spanish law to maintain all operations with a safe data-link equipment preventing from any kind of interference.
No, the general control-link interference regulation applies.
No, there are no specific regulations for control link interference but procedures and rules for loss of control-link are set forth in Article 23 of the Directive.
United Kingdom
United States of America
On a federal level, there are no regulations specifically addressing UAS control-link interference. However, it is possible that general laws relating to interference with radio signals and communications could come into play.