Drone Regulations

24. Are UAS obliged to take off from and/or land in specific facilities?


A RPA is not obliged to take-off from or land in specific facilities unless conditions for operation of the RPA are imposed by the authorization received from Air Transport Licensing at the CAA-B.


This is not detailed in the regulation; however there is a prohibition for the operation of UAS from moving vehicles.


With due observance of section 23 and any DECEA rules there is no specific facilities unless the RPA is included in classes 1 and 2.




Yes. When in the middle of the flight any UAS perceives a manned aircraft UAS should immediately land. As well, when in the middle of the operation UAS notice other UAS, the operators must coordinate to avoid a collision.

Costa Rica

No. The Operational Directive establishes that RPAS are piloted from a remote pilotage station but do not limit the operations to specific facilities.

El Salvador

Yes, UAS are not allowed to operate if there is not a safe and appropriate landing and take-off zone. In addition, it is mandatory for the operator to follow the UAS’ Manufacture Manual to operate.


If the UAS shall be operated within 1.5 km from an airport an additional clearance from Air Traffic Control is required.


The only requirements to take-off and land are those related to illumination and signalization. A UAS cannot operate between the sunset and the sunrise unless the surface is illuminated or painted with a visual warning.


The CAR provides that take-off and landing areas should be properly segregated from public access but does not provide for any specific facilities for take-off or landing.


Section 75 of the Air Navigation Law, titled: “The take-off and landing of an aircraft” stipulates that: “A person shall not take off or land an aircraft in Israeli territory except from a licensed airport or landing pad, provided that according to the Aeronautical Information Publication, the landing pad or airport are suitable for the take-off or landing of that aircraft…”.

In light of the recognition that UAS do not usually require special infrastructure to take off or land, and because the above stipulation would be deemed unreasonable, given that the operation of UAS would usually not be performed near an airport or landing pad, the Draft Regulations (Small Drones) include a provision that a small drone may take off or land from or at a site that is not a licensed airport or landing site, provided that the operator has checked in advance that the site and its surroundings are suitable for the safe operation of the UAS.


No, they are not.


Neither the CAA nor the Draft Regulations oblige UAS to take-off from and/or land in specific places in Kenya.


Mandatory rules “CO AV23/10 R4” do not establish specific facilities for take-off or landing.


There is not an express regulation on this matter.


No, but according to the UAS Regulations Section 16, as a main rule UAS cannot land or take off at an airport.


Please refer to our response to question 25 below.


No, an RPA may operate in airspace which is not restricted or prohibited by local regulations.


Presently, the PCAR does not provide for any specific utilities for the take-off and landing of a UAS as long as they do not operate within restricted areas and they comply with the distance limitations 



Puerto Rico

There is no State regulation covering this. FAA regulations apply.


No, according to the Government Decision no. 912 from 2010, it is possible for aircraft (including UAS) to take-off from and land not only in specific facilities, but also from/on other terrains.

South Africa

No. With regards to taking-off and landing the CARs only provide for the restriction that no person may use a public road as a place of landing or take-off of a UAS, except a holder of a ROC and as approved by the Director in the operator’s operations manual; and when approved by the relevant local authority.


In accordance with article 150. 2 of the Air Navigation Act, it is not required to use specific facilities for taking-off or landing the UAS except in those cases in which the law provides it.

This case could be, by way of example, if an Operational Authorisation (or future STS) issued by AESA provides that the UAS must take-off/land from a specific facility such as aerodromes or heliports.


No (other than the no-fly zones around airports, see Question 24 above). However, take-off or landing from non-public places may infringe civil law in relation to privacy protection.


No, pursuant to Article 19/4 it is not mandatory for UAS operations to use airports, heliports and air park’s.

United Kingdom

No – other than the restrictions outlined above.

United States of America

Not as a general rule. However, the conditions of a Part 107 waiver or Section 333 exemption could potentially impose such requirements.

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