Drone Regulations
32. What system and procedures are in place for the investigation of UAS accidents?
There are currently no special systems or procedures in place for the investigation of RPA accidents in The Bahamas. We note however that the Aircraft Accident Investigation Authority Act, 2019 outlines the requirements to be observed following civil aviation accidents and incidents.
This is not detailed in the regulation
Please refer to section 31.
The Transportation Safety Board investigates aircraft and UAS accidents.
Besides the aforementioned in question 31, there is not and special procedure for the investigation of incidents and accidents that involves UAS. All incidents and accidents investigations must follow the general rules that are contained in Aeronautical Regulation of Colombia (RAC) part 114.
Costa Rica
All RPAS operators must establish a system to report incidents or accidents to DGAC, which is the entity in charge of conducting investigations where RPAS are involved.
El Salvador
According to the Aeronautical Regulation No. 13 (August 10th 2015) the notification will be sent to the AAC with the following information: aircraft information; owner and operator’s name and license, date and time of the event, last takeoff point and scheduled landing of the UAS, UAS’ geographic position, information about the event, physical characteristics of the place of the accident, and owner or operator’s contact information.
There is an Accident Investigation Unit (UIA by its acronym in Spanish) that is in charge of all subsequent activities from the accidents and incidents that occurred in Guatemala. All information such as UAS’ ownership and details of manufacture, and the details of the event must be notified to DGAC.
India presently does not have any system and procedures in place for the investigation of UAS accidents, but AAI and the Indian Air Force monitor UAS movements in the country and the CAR mandates the tracking system of every UAS to be self-powered and tamper/spoofing proof to ensure data relay even in the event of UAS accident.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Air Navigation Law, upon the Chief Investigator being notified about the occurrence of a safety incident (see: response to question 31 above), Israel will be required to conduct a safety investigation as set forth in Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (the “Chicago Convention”). A safety investigation of an incident that need not be investigated according to the Chicago Convention will be conducted only if the Chief Investigator is of the opinion that an investigation will help to promote air safety. Rules regarding the manner of conducting the safety investigation are detailed in the Air Navigation Regulations (Investigation of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents), 1984.
See answer to question 31 above.
Investigation of UAS accidents is conducted by the KCAA in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Aviation (Aircraft Accident and Incidents Investigation) Regulations. The Accident and Incidents Investigation Regulations requires the accident investigation department of the KCAA to have a manual of accident and incident investigation containing information and instructions necessary to enable the investigators to perform their duties. Where an accident or a serious incident has occurred, the following steps should be taken:
a) The relevant person shall send a written notice to the Investigator-In Charge not later than 24 hours after becoming aware of the accident of serious incident. The notice must contain the details specified in the Accident and Investigation Regulations. The Flight crew members or the operator shall also file an accident or incident report;
b) On receipt of the notification, the Investigator-In Charge shall forward a notification to the contracting state, the state of operator, state of design or the state of the manufacture of the aircraft;
c) The lead investigator shall designate parties to participate in the investigation;
d) The investigators will conduct an investigation and prepare a report. The Investigator-In Charge will then submit the Report to the Cabinet Secretary for the time being in charge of aviation before dissemination to any state;
e) The Cabinet Secretary will release the report within 12 months and where it is not possible to release the report within 12 months, the Cabinet Secretary may release interim reports regularly;
The Investigator-In Charge will make the final report public after the expiry of 30 days of the presentation of the report to the Cabinet Secretary and not later than 60 days with the approval of the Cabinet Secretary.
There are no specific systems or procedures for the investigation of RPA accidents. The DGAC is in charge of all air accident investigations.
There is not an express regulation on this matter.
There are no specific rules on the investigation of UAS accidents, but the provisions in the Aviation Act on the investigation of accidents will apply.
Please refer to our response to question 31 above.
The Regulations establishes that any investigation of a drone accident or incident must be carried out by the AAC, their units, and other applicable departments. However, there is no system or special procedures applicable to RPAS.
Presently, the PCAR does not provide for any specific system and procedure in place for the investigation of UAS. Accident and incident reporting can fall under the general Philippine Civil Aviation Regulations on accident and incident reporting and investigation.
Puerto Rico
There is no state legislation covering this in Puerto Rico.
There are no specific rules for UAS accidents, the general dispositions regarding the aeronautical incidents and accidents being applied.
According to Art. 87 from The Aerial Civil Code the Minister of Transportation is the state authority for regulation, organizing and development of the activities regarding the administrative inquiry of civil aviation incidents and accidents. In this regard, Minister of Transportation adopted Order no. 305/1995 for approval of instructions regarding the research of civil aviation accidents and incidents.
South Africa
The CARs are silent on the investigation of UAS accidents and incidents; however the Aviation Safety Investigation Board established by the Civil Aviation Act is primarily responsible for conducting an analysis into the cause of an air accident and the prevention of such accidents in the future. Once the Aviation Safety Investigation Board has completed its investigation of the air accident, it is obliged to prepare a report, which is made publicly available and which should specify any safety deficiencies identified and possible recommendations for the improvement of safety in the future.
UAS are subject to the same incident reporting procedure as conventional aircraft in Spain. This procedure is established in the Act 21/2003 of 7th July, of Aerial Safety, and in the Regulation (EU) no. 996/2010 of the European Parliament and Council of 20th October 2010. The former determines the competent authority for the investigation of serious incidents and accidents in civil aviation. The competent body for this task is the Commission for Accidents and Incidents of Civil Aviation subject to the Spanish Development Ministry. The investigation will be ruled by the provisions of the Regulation above mentioned and by the Royal Decree 389/1998 of 13th March, by means of which the investigation of civil aviation incidents and accidents are regulated, and the resolutions of this administrative body are public.
The Federal Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board is mandated to investigate accidents and dangerous incidents involving aircraft. Penal authorities may conduct further investigations in relation to criminal activities.
Rules and procedures of aircraft accident investigation are set forth in Articles 10 et seq. of Turkish Civil Aviation Law by an expert commission in accordance with an whose members are appointed by the Ministry of Transport. The commission investigates the accidents in collaboration with the public prosecutor and make carry out interrogations with the assistance of the public prosecutor in order to elucidate the causes of the accident and presents a final report to the Ministry of Transport and an announcement is then published in the official gazette to inform the concerned parties that the report is ready and open to review.
United Kingdom
Not as far as we are aware.
United States of America
Upon being notified of an accident by the remote pilot in command, witnesses, or local law enforcement, the FAA may investigate the incident. The investigative process is not as well developed as the process for investigating accidents involving manned aircraft.