Drone Regulations

13. Is drone transport permitted / regulated in your country?


Drone transport for commercial use will be included in the definition for “commercial air transport” which means the carriage of passengers or cargo for hire or reward or other valuable consideration. Drone transport is thereby expressly envisioned by 4.001 (a) of CAR OPS 4. All requirements for registration and safe operations of a RPA will have to be observed.


The regulation project prohibits the launch, spray or mist from a RPA unless authorized by the CAA. Also, no hazardous materials may be transported nor shall laser lights will be used on an RPA.


Drone transport is not allowed in Brazil.




For Class A transport is not allowed. However, for Class B regulation permit the transport with some restrictions. For example, animal transport is not allowed but UAEAC could authorize it when animals shall be use for plague control.

As well, for agricultural aspersion throw objects is allowed, otherwise throwing objects in flight is prohibited.

Costa Rica

There is not an express regulation on this matter. However, DGAC has already authorized a CE for delivery services of external cargo using RPAS.

El Salvador

Yes, but the RAC-VANT forbids the transport or storage of dangerous goods.


In light of the fact that the new German regulation contains a general prohibition of flights beyond the visual line of sight, the provisions providing exceptional authorizations might be helpful for commercial users, for example when it comes to the transport of goods. So far there are no certain conditions mentioned which have to be met in order to receive such exceptional authorization, apart from the conditions set in section 21a (3) German Air Traffic Regulation (Luftverkehrs-Ordnung/LuftVO)

Due to the restrictions mentioned above, transport of goods in Germany is only tested in a number of pilot projects.

For example, DHL   Parcel has successfully integrated the DHL Parcelcopter into its logistics chain. During this project private customers in a Bavarian community could test specially developed Packstations, named Parcelcopter Skyport.  After inserting the parcel into the Skyport the shipment and delivery was automatically initiated.


It is not regulated in RAC-101.


Drone transport is not permitted in India.

Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“UAS”) operations – others


No specific mention is made in the Israeli law and regulations either permitting or regulating UAS transport. However, as noted in the response to question 11 above, the Air Navigation Law stipulates that the operation of aircraft (including UAS that are construed as “aircraft” under the said Law) for commercial purposes (which includes the transportation of passengers or goods), is subject to the issuance of an AOC. It should be reminded that pursuant to Section 33(c) of the Draft Regulations (Small Drones), the commercial operation of a small drone, does not require an AOC.


No, it is not. However, recently a number of a test cargo flights took place in the context of a research program overseen by ENAC. The results of the research program carried out by ENAC will be one of the key elements to support the development of a future regulation on air transport via drone for both commercial and governmental use.


The Draft Regulations permit operation of UAS in Kenya for commercial activities, reward or hire. An operator for commercial activities, reward or hire must first be issued with a Remote Aircraft Operators Certificate. To be issued with Remote Aircraft Operators Certificate, the operator must:

a)  have its principal place of business and it is registered in the Kenya;

b)  meet the applicable regulations and standards for the holder of a Remote Aircraft Operators Certificate;

c)  be properly qualified and adequately staffed and equipped to conduct safe operations in commercial operations of the UAS;

d)  hold a security clearance issued by the Ministry of Defence; and

e)  have an approved aircraft operator security programme in accordance with the Civil Aviation (Security) Regulations and meet any other requirements as specified by KCAA.

The operator must also hold a minimum insurance policy in respect of third party risks.


No. Mandatory rules “CO AV23/10 R4” do not regulate RPA as transportation aircraft/vehicles; however, RPAS are authorized to operate with load and/or cargo onboard.


There is not an express regulation on this matter.


Transportation of passengers with UAS is not yet permitted. Transportation of goods with UAS is possible, however this is subject to a special permit and must be described in the operations manual.


Yes, assuming that the term transport is intended to mean the transport of the drone from one place to another and not transport of other things by the drone. Even otherwise, there is no express prohibition on the transport of goods by drones; however, the ANO provides that “A person must not cause a thing to be dropped or discharged from an URCSUA in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft, person or property on ground”.


Yes, the transportation of cargo by drones is permitted in Panama, and the same is regulated by the Regulations. However, the transportation of dangerous goods or illicit substances by drones is strictly prohibited.


Presently, the PCAR does not provide for regulations specific to drone transport.  There is likewise no law that prohibits drone transport.  

However, since transport may be categorized as for commercial use or at least, in furtherance of business, the RPA operator, its controller, and RPA itself must be registered and thus, must comply with the applicable PCAR regulations for commercial operations. 


It is not regulated.

Puerto Rico

Yes. FAA Rules apply.  Part 107 permits the transportation of property for compensation or hire, provided the operator complies with all the provisions of the rule: the operator must keep the UAS within his/her sight; the flight is conducted within visual line-of-sight and not from a moving vehicle; external loads must be securely attached and cannot adversely affect the flight characteristics or controllability of the aircraft; and the aircraft with payload must weigh less than 55 lbs. at takeoff. The transportation must also occur wholly within the bounds of a state and may not involve transportation of property between: (1) Hawaii and another place in Hawaii through airspace outside of Hawaii; (2) the District of Columbia and another place in the District of Columbia; or (3) a territory or possession of the United States and another place in the same territory or possession.


It is not regulated at this moment.

South Africa

No. The operation of UAS is permitted and regulated, however such regulation does not extend to the use of UAS as a means of transport.


Although RD 1036/2017 did not foresee the transport of cargo by UAS unless issuance of special permit for said purposes by AESA, EU Regulation 2019/947 opens the window to UAS operators to provide said services to exploit said market. However, the nature of the transport of goods by UAS will probably be subject to additional risk mitigation measures, especially if these are performed in urban areas with congested air traffic (controlled airspace). All of the foregoing must be authorised by AESA case by case, eventually.

in addition, article 6.1 b) ii. of EU Regulation 2019/947 provides that the operation will fall under the CERTIFIED category if the drone transports people or dangerous goods. Another evidence that the European regulators have included in the regulation to confirm that the transport operations will be allowed, is the provision that during the flight, the UAS shall not drop any material (drone delivery) and if it does, will fall under the SPECIFIC category.

From the European perspective, the point of view differs. Article 6.1 b) ii. of Implementing Regulation 2019/947 provides that the operation will fall under the CERTIFIED category if the drone transports people or dangerous goods. Another clue that the European lawmakers have included in the regulation to evidence that the transport operations will be allowed, could be the statement that, during the flight the drone shall not drop any material and if it does, will fall under the SPECIFIC category as well.


Drone transport is not prohibited but regulated, in particular by the Montreal Convention 1999 and the Swiss Ordinance on Air Transport. Moreover, additional regulation may apply depending on the specific goods transported, e.g. dangerous goods.

As of June 2020, the rules as per the New EU Drone Regulations will apply (see Miscellaneous and Most Recent Changes below).

Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“UAS”) operations – others


Drone transport is neither prohibited nor regulated in the Directive. Pursuant to Turkish Civil Aviation Law. In Turkey transportation of cargo with aircrafts is permitted only for CAA licensed commercial air carriers.

United Kingdom

No. Amazon Logistics have proposed using drones to deliver within short distances from their warehouses, however this is not permitted by current regulations and was reported incorrectly by the media.

United States of America

Transportation of property by small UAS for compensation or hire is permitted by Part 107 so long as the operator complies with all requirements of Part 107. However, Part 107 provides that no waivers will be issued to allow the carriage of property of another by aircraft for compensation or hire when such operations are from a moving vehicle or aircraft or beyond the visual line of sight. Otherwise, drone transport is generally not permitted without a waiver or exemption.