Drone Regulations

23. Which are the operational and distance limitations for an aerial work with a UAS? Is there any kind of certificate or permission to operate beyond those limitations?


The CAR OPS 4 does not prescribe standard operational and distance limitations for aerial work, as such the requisite limits, if any, to be applied would be included with the conditions from the issuing authority.


Maximum of 122 meters AGL and at a distance of 9 kilometers of any airport or military base. It will be the CAA who will determine the no-fly zones and the RPAs cannot be operated in areas that are densely populated and at 150 meters of an edification, person or vehicle unless they are directly related to the operation.


As previously mentioned in section 6 there are three classes of UAS in accordance with their PMD (as defined below) as follow:

(1) Class 1: RPA with PMD above 150 kg;

(2) Class 2: RPA with PMD above 25 kg and below or equal to 150 kg; and

(3) Class 3: RPA with PMD below or equal 25 kg.

* PMD = Maximum takeoff weight.

* RPAS = Remotely-Piloted Aircraft System

* RPS = Remote Pilot Station.

* BVLOS = Beyond Visual Line of Sight

* VLOS = Visual Line of Sight

* EVLOS = Extended Visual Line of Sight

* AGL = Above Ground Level

  • In accordance with the RBAC-E 94 a UAS included in class 3 with PMD above 250g should be operated far from third parties, should include an evaluation of operational risk updated for the last 12 months, should have a valid third parties insurance certificate and subject to any additional documentation or authorization from ANATEL or DECEA should also comply with the following rules:
  • the following documentation should be available in the RPS (Section 94.19 of RBAC-E 94):

(a) Register Certificate, Certificate of Registration or Experimental Registration Flight, as applicable;

(b) Special Certificate of Airworthiness valid or an Authorization Certificate for Experimental Flight (CAVE) valid, if applicable;

(c) flight plan;

(d) insurance policy or insurance certificate including proof of payment, valid, if applicable;

(e) document including risk analysis more specifically described in the E94 regulation; and

(f) license and extract of valid Medical Aeronautic Certificate (CMA) as more particularly described in the RBAC-E94.

  • A UAS with PMD below 250g is authorized by ANAC under total liability of it’s owner, with due observance of RBAC-E 94 and observance of DECEA’s rules for the use of the airspace. Such UASs do not require registration or identification together with ANAC.
  • A UAS from class 3 with PMD above 250g and below 25kg operating in VLOS or EVLOS below 400 feet AGL should be registered by its owner through the ANAC’s website in substitution of formal certificates issued by ANAC for general aircraft. Its registration will be linked to its owner. The UAS should contain its registration number with easy visualization in case of inspection outside the fuselage. Such registration is valid for 24 months and should be properly renewed. It is also subject to items (c), (d) and (e) of item 1 of this section 23.
  • In case of a UAS with PMD above 250g and below 25kg PMD, in BVLOS below 400 feet AGL:

(i) third parties insurance policy certificate, except public security and/or civil defense departments;

(ii) experimental registration certificate or certificate of registration;

(iii) authorization certificate for experimental flights or special airworthiness certificate;

(iv) document including risk analysis referred in paragraphs E94.103(f)(2) and E94.103(g)(2); and

(v) flight manual.

  • In case of other types of UAS not previously described with PMD above 250g and below 25kg in addition to the items listed in item 4 of this section 23 a license issued by ANAC.
  • In case of RPA with PMD above 25kg in addition to the items listed in 5 of this section 23 a  CMA of 1st, 2nd or 5th class issued in accordance with RBAC 67 or a CMA of 3rd class valid issued by the Aeronautics Command in accordance with ICA 63-15.



For model aircraft:

No person shall operate a model aircraft at an altitude greater than 300 feet AGL and a lateral distance of more than 1640 feet (500 m) and always within visual line of sight.

For UAS of less than 1kg:

  • No person shall operate a UAS under this exemption at an altitude greater than 300 feet AGL or further than ¼ nautical mile from the pilot’s location and always within visual contact sufficient to maintain operational control of the UAS, know its location, and be able to scan the airspace in which it is operating to decisively see and avoid other air traffic or objects.

For UAS between 1 kg and 25 kg:

  • No person shall operate a UAS under this exemption at an altitude greater than 300 feet AGL or further than ½ nautical mile from the pilot’s location and always within visual contact sufficient to maintain operational control of the UAS, know its location, and be able to scan the airspace in which it is operating to decisively see and avoid other air traffic or objects.

For UAS of more than 25 kg:

  • As set out in the SFOC.


The current regulation establishes some limitation to UAS operation. As we have been explained before, limitations may have some changes between Class A or Class B. In that way, limitations for each class are:

Class A:

  • Maximum weight shall be 25 kgs.
  • Maximum speed shall be 80 km/h
  • Operator must keep the UAS within sight range within a maximum radius of 500 m horizontal during all phases of the flight. If the operator loses it must interrupt immediately the operation.
  • Operation may not be performed directly above public, meeting of people at outdoors, agglomerations of buildings or others populated areas.
  • All flights must be made at a height that not exceed 400 ft above land or water.
  • Visibility conditions shall not be less than 5 km measured from the location of the UAS control station.
  • The minimum distance of the clouds from the aircraft may not be less than 500 ft.
  • Operation shall be performed in a non-controlled air space.
  • It cannot be operated from an airport or airfield or its vicinity within a radius of 9 km.
  • It cannot be operated from a heliport or its vicinity within a radius of 3 km
  • Only image captures (still or moving) are allowed. Other activities as fumigation or aerial spraying are completely forbidden.
  • Transport activities are prohibited.
  • Search or rescue operations are reserve for authorities or relief agencies or with prior coordination with them.
  • It cannot perform any operation in restricted areas which will be previously published by the UAEAC. These operations only could be performed with previous authorization and coordination with the AAAE.
  • One person only can operate one UAS at time.
  • Operation should not be performed from a land, water or air vehicle in movement.
  • No objects should be thrown in flight.
  • Autonomous operations cannot be performed
  • Operation can´t be performed within a radius of 2 km around any place where the president or any other chiefs of state are.
  • Operation cannot be performed within a radius of 1 km around of military or police bases, prisons, critical infrastructure or any manned aircraft in operation.
  • Operation cannot be performed within 3.6 km of border areas or cross borders states boundaries.

When a Class A exceeds any of its limitations, the UAS must follow the Class B dispositions needing the authorization and all the additional requirements the regulation provides.

Class B:

  • Maximum weight shall be 150 kgs.
  • Maximum speed shall be 160 km/h
  • Operator must keep the UAS within sight range within a maximum radius of 750 m horizontal during all phases of the flight. If the operator loses it must interrupt immediately the operation.
  • The entire operation must be performed only during daylight hours (from 15 minutes after sunrise and up to 15 minutes before sunset. However, operations may be performed at night hours as lighting to make it easily visible.
  • All flights must be made at a height that not exceed 400 ft above land or water.
  • Visibility conditions shall not be less than 5 km measured from the location of the UAS control station.
  • The minimum distance of the clouds from the aircraft may not be less than 500 ft.
  • It cannot be operated from an airport or airfield or its vicinity within a radius of 9 km.
  • It cannot be operated from a heliport or its vicinity within a radius of 3 km
  • Any operation different than image capture shall require special permit of UAEAC.
  • Search or rescue operations are reserve for authorities or relief agencies or with prior coordination with them.
  • It cannot perform any operation in restricted areas which will be previously published by the UAEAC. These operations only could be performed with previous authorization and coordination with the AAAE.
  • One person only can operate one UAS at time, except when UAEAC authorize a swarm operation.
  • Except when a previous authorized aspersion operation is been performed, throwing objects is forbidden.
  • Animals cannot be transported except when they will be used for plague control.
  • Autonomous operations cannot be performed except when they are previously authorized.
  • Explosive, corrosive, biohazard materials, weapons or any other type of merchandise considered dangerous or prohibited shall not be transported. This shall not apply for the batteries required for operation.
  • Operation can´t be performed within a radius of 2 km around any place where the president or any other chiefs of state are.
  • Operation cannot be performed within a radius of 1 km around of military or police bases, prisons, critical infrastructure or any manned aircraft in operation.
  • Operation cannot be performed within 3.6 km of border areas or cross borders states boundaries.


Costa Rica

In a restricted area defined by DGAC in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), there shall be no UAS operating. In controlled airspace, the limit for operating is 400 feet above ground level, except in those areas permitted for operations and according to authorizations from Air Traffic Control. The operations near the aerodromes should not be over 400 feet above ground level and near a radius of 8 Km, with the following exceptions: if the operation is supported by an Operational Certificate and if there is a special permit granted by DGAC.

El Salvador

The UAS’ limitations are established in the Article 3.005 of the RAC-VANT. UAS operations are not allowed when: its maximum take-off weight is higher than 25 Kg; if UAS are over the pilot’s visual range; 400 feet above ground level, when the speed of   70 km per hour is exceeded; if there are not minimum visual conditions or it is nighttime; the distance from international airports is less than 6 kilometers; the distance from private runways is less than 2 kilometers; the distance from heliports are less than 250 meters; UAS constitutes an obstacle for another aircraft; over military facilities, voting centers, prisons, judicial courts, electric stations, hydroelectric and geothermal plants, maritime ports, hospitals, embassies, frontier zones and other restricted areas published in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP); over private property and meetings of people; when two or more UAS are operated at the same time; from a moving platform; when the operator transfers the command of the UAS during the flight stage; there is not an appropriate and safe landing and takeoff zone; UAS transport dangerous goodsor are going to drop any type of object or substance. All these actions are prohibited according to RAC VANT.

The only exception mentioned in RAC VANT applies to flights over private property, which can be performed if UAS operator has a prior written authorization from the owner. There is also the possibility of obtaining a special permit from ACC in order to operate beyond those limitations.


As already mentioned, all kinds of UAS and model aircraft that are flown within 1.5 km from an airport and UAS with a combustion engine if they are flown within 1.5 km from a residential area need a special authorization to fly.

If the UAS shall be operated within 1.5 km from an airport an additional clearance from Air Traffic Control is required.


There are limitations regarding areas and distances. In controlled air space, individuals cannot operate UAS higher than 400 feet above ground level (AGL), unless there is apermit in the specific area, or an authorization issued by Air Traffic Control. Near airfields, no one is allowed to operate a UAS higher than 400 feet AGL in a radius of 3nautical miles from airports, unless the operator has a CO or there is a special permit for the operation.

In addition, DGAC may authorize an exception to the application of the rules contained in RAC-101, if there is no risk for operational safety. The approved exceptionswill be recorded on the Operations and Specifications Manual of each operator.


No UAS can be flown:

(i)  Within a distance of 5 km from the perimeter of airports at Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad;

(ii)  Within a distance of 3 km from the perimeter of any civil, private or defence airports, other than those mentioned in point (i) above;

(iii)  Above the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) or PANS-OPS surfaces, whichever is lower, of an operational aerodrome specified in Ministry of Civil Aviation (Height Restrictions for Safeguarding of Aircraft Operations) Rules, 2015 notified through Gazette of India notification GSR751(E) as amended from time to time;

(iv)  Within permanent or temporary Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas including Temporary Reserved Areas and Temporary Segregated Areas as notified in the Aeronautical Information Publication;

(v) Within 25 km from international border which includes Line of Control, Line of Actual Control and Actual Ground Position Line;

(vi)  Beyond 500 m (horizontal) into sea from coast line provided the location of ground station is on fixed platform overland;

(vii)  Within 3 km from perimeter of military installations/ facilities/ where military activities/ exercises are being carried out unless clearance is obtained from the local military installation/facility;

(viii)  Within 5 km radius from Vijay Chowk in Delhi. However, this is subject to any additional conditions/ restrictions imposed bylocal law enforcement agencies/ authorities in view of the security.

(ix)  Within 2 km from the perimeter of strategic locations/vital installations notified by the Ministry of HomeAffairs unless clearance is obtained from MHA;

(x)  Within 3 km from radius of State Secretariat Complex in State Capitals;

(xi)  From a mobile platform such as a moving vehicle, ship or aircraft;

(xii)  Over eco-sensitive zones around National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change without prior permission.

Operation of UAS beyond the conditions specified above may be authorised by DGCA on a case-to-case basis subject to approval of Ministry of Defence.


Limitations on the operation of RCMAs:

The following actions are forbidden:

• Flying less than 150 metres from a cloud base.

• In general, flying at an altitude exceeding 50 metres above the ground – unless permission has been obtained from the relevant Air Traffic Control (ATC) unit.

• Flying in low visibility areas (where it is impossible to see more than three kilometres away)

• Flying less than 250 metres from a residential neighbourhood, a public building such as a school, hospital, cinema, etc. or a venue for public gathering.

• Flying within the vicinity of the following: an airport or landing control area or less than 500 metres from a training area for small aircraft.

Any deviation from the above restrictions requires the approval of the airport manager or the landing pad operator or if otherwise stipulated in the AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication).

The Draft Regulations (RCMA) expand the current limitations, by:

• Restricting the speed of RCMAs to 87 knots.

• Restricting the distance between the RCMA operator and the RCMA to 500 metres.

• Restricting the operation at night, and during twilight hours.

• Restricting operation near people and infrastructure.

Limitations on the operation of other UAS:

At present, no specific limitations have been imposed for the operation of UAS that are construed as “aircraft” under the Air Navigation Law. Therefore, the current limitations applicable to the operation of manned aircraft would apply to UAS. Some further specific limitation can be found in AIP B-9, published by the CAAI.

However, with regard to small drones, the Draft Regulations (Small Drones) impose specific limitations, similar to those imposed for the operation of RCMAs. According to the Draft Regulations (Small Drones), flying a small drone is prohibited near airports, runways and training areas for small aircraft, unless approved in advance by the competent authority; the speed limit will be similar to that imposed on RCMAs (87 knots); and the flight altitude will be limited to 60 metres (and up to 100 metres subject to special approval of the Air Force Commander and the ATC Unit). Further, the Draft Regulations (Small Drones) include similar provisions restricting the operation of small drones during twilight and night hours.

Under the Draft Regulations (Small Drones), the Director of the CAAI may permit the “exceptional operation” of a small drone, thereby relieving the operator from one or more of the restrictions stipulated in the Draft Regulations (Small Drones). A similar provision does not appear in the Draft Regulations (RCMA) regarding the operation of RCMAs.


VLOS operations are permitted to be performed in daylight, up to maximum height of 150 m AGL (above ground level), within maximum horizontal distance of 500 m, and must be carried out safely and without causing damages to third parties. Higher distances and heights may be evaluated and authorized by ENAC from time to time, upon review of an appropriate risk assessment submitted by the UAS operator.

BVLOS flights are performed beyond the VLOS heights and distances within segregated airspace (either temporary or permanent) always provided that ENAC identifies specific limitations and conditions from time to time on the basis of the intended flight operations and relevant risk assessment submitted by the operator to ENAC itself.

EVLOS operations are those conducted in areas exceeding the limits of BVLOS scenarios, in relation to which VLOS requirements are satisfied by alternative means (such as additional ground control stations) that allow a continuous view of the UAS by the operator.


The CAA requires a UAS to be flown either in controlled airspace as specified by the KCAA or if flown in airspaces open to civil aircraft, it is controlled so as to avoid endangering civil aircraft.

The Draft Regulations provide that a UAS shall not be operated:

a)  above 400 feet above ground level and within 50 meters of any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure which is not under the person in charge of the UAS[27] unless higher heights and lateral distances are approved by KCAA;[28]

b)  in conditions other than Visual Meterological Conditions (VMC)[29] unless the pilot is duly rated, the UAS meets required specifications and is approved by the KCAA;[30]

c)  at night, unless specifically cleared by the KCAA on a case by case basis;[31]

d)  where cameras, imaging devices or other sensors capture information, pictures or videos, extending beyond the prescribed area of approved operation.[32] In the instance where cameras, imaging devices or other sensors capture information, pictures or videos, such information shall not be reproduced, processed, shared, distributed or published;[33] and

e)  over a public road, along the length of a public road of at a distance of less than 50m from a public road unless the operation has been approved by the KCAA or such road has been closed from public use and reasonable care has been taken to ensure the safety of road users and pedestrians in the event of loss of control of the RPA.[34]

[27] Regulation 24(1)(a) of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019

[28] Regulation 24(3) of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019

[29] Regulation 24(1)(b) of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019

[30] Regulation  24(4) of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019

[31] Regulation 24(1)(c) of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019

[32] Regulation 24(1)(d) of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019

[33] Regulation 24(2) of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019

[34] Regulation 29 of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019


On a general basis, RPAS are only allowed to fly “G” (golf) airspace, under visual flight rules (VFR), in places (whether they are open or closed) where 12 (twelve) people or less are met, and under 10 nautical miles out of any airport or aerodrome. Also, RPAS pilots must operate the RPAS on a line-sight-view (línea de vista). Under special authorization, RPAS can perform night and instrumental flight rules (IFR) operations. Further limitations must be observed depending on the size, use, and/or characteristics of the RPAS.


As it was mentioned before, Regulation No. 34-2014 prohibited the use of UAS operating higher than 100 feet with a horizontal displacementof 30 meters. It is not possible to obtain a permit to operate beyond these limitations.


Concerning UAS falling within the scope of model airplanes, Section 6 of the UAS Regulations provides that the UAS may only be flown during daylight hours and not at altitudes of more than 120 metres above ground or water. Further, the UAS may not be flown closer than 150 metres to people, motor vehicles or buildings which are not controlled by the aircraft operator, except during take-off and landing.

If the flight is securely conducted under the auspices of a model aircraft association, the above-mentioned restrictions do not apply.

Flying of a model airplane-UAS is not permitted in the vicinity of military areas, embassies or prisons without permission from the local person in charge. Further, flying of a model airplane is not permitted in restricted areas pursuant to the Aviation Act or the Police Act, in the vicinity of an incident site established by the emergency services or the Armed Forces in connection with accidents or extraordinary events, cf. Section 7.

UAS which are not regarded as model airplanes are not to be flown over or in the vicinity of military areas, embassies or prisons, and further not to be flown closer than 5 km to an aerodrome, unless the flight has been cleared with the local air traffic control services or flight information service, cf. Section 54. Flying above or in the vicinity of places where an incident site has been established by the emergency services or the Armed Forces in connection with an accident or other extraordinary event may only be performed by permission from the incident commander, cf. Section 55.

Chapter 8 and 9 of the UAS Regulations contain more detailed provisions on operational and distance limitations.


A person may operate a URCSUA up to 400 feet Above Ground Level (“AGL) only in an area approved as an area for the operation of unmanned airship, and in accordance with any conditions prescribed in the approval.

A person may operate a URCSUA above 400 feet AGL in controlled airspace only in an area approved for the operations of unmanned airship of the same kind as the URCSUA, and in accordance with any conditions of the approval and Air Traffic Control clearance provided that the person is a certified URCSUA Operator, maintaining a listening watch on a specified frequency and makes broadcasts on a specified frequency at the specified interval giving the specified information.

A person may operate a URCSUA outside an approved area only if the URCSUA is operated above 400 feet AGL, the Operator has obtained CAA’s approval and has duly co-coordinated with Air Traffic Services/Control Unit.

Any person operating a URCSUA must not operate it within 30 meters of an individual who is not directly associated with the operations of the URCSUA unless the individual is present behind the URCSUA while it is taking off or the URCSUA is at a distance of 10 meters horizontally and 30 feet vertically from that individual.

Furthermore, a URCSUA should not be operated in poor weather conditions which lead to low cloud base and ground visibility of less than 1 km unless the URCSUA is in sight of the operator and beneath the cloud base at all times

A purpose-built URCSUA for night-time operations can be used at night. A person may operate a URCSUA at night or in conditions other than Visual Flight Rules/In-sight, which term is defined to mean the method of control and collision avoidance that refers to the URCSUA OIC or observer directly viewing the URCSUA with human eyesight. Corrective lenses (spectacles or contact lenses) may be used by the OIC or observer. Aids to vision, such as binoculars, field glasses, or telephoto television may be employed as long as their field of view does not adversely affect the surveillance task” in accordance with an air traffic control clearance/instruction.


The operation of any aircraft involving aerial work is regulated by the Book XVII of the Civil Aviation Regulations of Panama (“RACP”). To provide such services, the operator of such RPAS must obtain an Operation Certificate for aerial works with an RPA authorization. The conditions for such operations and all related terms, limitations, etc., will be provided in such Operation Certificate.


Whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, the general RPA operations and RPA restricted operations involving distance limitation are as follows: 

a) A person must not operate a RPA over a populous area at a height less than the height from which, if any of its components fails, it would be able to clear the area; 

b) 400 feet(~122m) above ground level; 

c) 10 kilometers radius from the Aerodrome Reference Point;

d) While the RPA is in flight, or is landing or taking off, it stays at least 30 meters away from anyone not directly associated with the operation of theRPA; 

e) No person may operate an RPA in a controlled or prohibited airspace unless authorized by the Authority. 

In addition, particularly for agricultural spraying, the substance sprayed should have the appropriate approval. 


The limitations mentioned in 6 above are applicable. Flying beyond 400ft. is always subject to the prior authorization from ANAC.

Puerto Rico

Yes. FAA requires leisure drones to be 5 miles from airports. Please see answer to question 26.


UAS with an MTOM lighter than 150 kg are allowed to be used only in the G class airspace. The G class airspace is situated at least 150 meters below the minimum limit of the controlled airspace, at a minimum height of 300 meters from the tallest obstacle in highly populated areas and 150 meters from the soil in the other areas. With a special approval from RCAA the UAS may be operated under these limits.

South Africa

The CARs provide that a UAS may not tow another aircraft; perform aerial or aerobatic displays; or be flown in formation or swarm. This is a general restriction and no permission may be granted to operate beyond these limitations

Furthermore, no one, except the holder of a ROC, and as approved by the Director, may operate a UAS above 400ft above the surface; within a radius of 10km from an aerodrome; within restricted or prohibited airspace; or adjacent to or above a nuclear power plant, prison, police station, crime scene, court of law, national key point, or strategic installation. This is also a general restriction and no permission may be granted to operate beyond these limitations.

There are specific operational limitations which limit the operation of a UAS beyond visual line-of-sight, at night, in the vicinity of people, property, structures and buildings, and on public roads.


The repeal of the RD 1036/2017 as a result of the entry into force of the EU Regulation 2019/947 has removed all domestic regulations concerning distance limitations and licensing process. All limitations and restrictions to flight must be observed in accordance with the EU Regulations.

In case of “OPEN” category, those restrictions are detailed in the Annex of the above EU Regulation depending on the subcategory intended to fly (A1, A2 or A3).

In case of “SPECIFIC” category operations, the limitations and restrictions will be those declared in the Operational Authorisation, which may differ depending on the operation requested for authorisation, or in the relevant STS Operational Declaration.

The same shall apply for those UAS operators holding a Light UAS Operator Certificate (LUC) where the restrictions applicable to it will depend on what is provided in the LUC for said operation.


The general restrictions of airspace (e.g., bans) apply. The FOCA provides a map of flight zones in Switzerland (https://www.bazl.admin.ch/bazl/en/home/good-to-know/drones-and-aircraft-models/drohnenkarte.html). Further airspace restrictions apply to the operation of UAS within a radius of 100m of a gathering of people, within a distance of 5km from runways of any civil or military airport as well as above an altitude of 150m within the control zones of airports (i.e., zones serving to protect aircraft during takeoff and landing) that require a special permit by the competent authority (see Question 8 above).

As of June 2020, however, the New EU Drone Regulations will apply (see Miscellaneous and Most Recent Changes below).


For all kind of UAS operations a flight permit  is granted in principle by CAA either automatically (for recreational flights in Green Zone’s) or upon application. Flight zones, operational limits and flight permit conditions for Green and Red Zones and operational limitations are set forth in Article 17 et seq. of the Directive. Operations in Red Zones (Please refer to answer 26) are prohibited to any type of operation and to any class of UAS and may only be performed with a flight permit which will be granted by CAA subject to performance of  a risk analysis.

The main general operational limitations are:

  • Only daytime flight with at least 2km view is allowed.
  • Maximum horizontal limit is 500 meters.
  • Maximum operation height is 400 feet above ground level (“AGL”).
  • Flight must be at least 50 meters away from people and buildings.

United Kingdom

Consumer drones (those under 20kg) are restricted to being flown no higher than 120 meters and kept at least 50 meters away from people and private property and 150 meters from crowds and built up areas. The drone must always remain in line of sight. To amend the restrictions permission is required from the CAA where pilot competence should be demonstrated.

For commercial drones, the drone must be registered with the CAA. This commercial definition extends to YouTube and personal blogging. Any permission given from CAA lasts for 12 months.

United States of America

Generally, small UAS may be operated up to 400 feet above ground level or within 400 feet of a structure’s immediate uppermost limit, in permitted airspace.  See below for airspace restrictions. Additionally, unless provided otherwise by a waiver or exemption, UAS operators (or a visual observer in communication with the operator) must maintain a visual line of sight of the UAS, unaided by any device other than corrective lenses, throughout the entire flight. UAS operators may request waivers or special authorizations in order to operate in otherwise prohibited areas or beyond a visual line of sight.