Drone Regulations

25. Which kind of airspaces are UAS permitted to operate with?


A RPA may operate in airspace which is not restricted by the relevant ROC issued. The RPAS operator certificate and its associated operations specifications shall define the operations for which an operator is authorised.


Please refer to our response on item 23.


Generally UAS are prohibited in urban areas unless if previously authorized by local aviation authority.


Class G airspace.


For Class A the permitted airspace is the non-controlled space (Class G airspace). For Class B it would be depend of the authorization.

Costa Rica

They are allowed to operate in spaces under 400 feet above ground level and in uncontrolled airspace.

El Salvador

UAS can operate in airspaces not considered restricted areas and according to the limitations mentioned in answer to question No. 23.


There are no special airspaces permitted for UAS. It is allowed to operate UAS wherever there is no prohibition. Please refer to question number 26 and 27 for restricted and prohibited areas.


UAS can be operated in less than 400 feet from AGL, outside populated areas and for recreational and sport purposes. However, DGAC may issue a special permit to operate in a specified area.


Except for the airspaces mentioned in our response to question 23 above, UAS are permitted to operate in all other airspaces subject to the presence of the following meteorological conditions:

i.  Daylight (between sunrise and sunset).

ii.  Visual Meteorological Conditionswith a minimum ground visibility of 5 km and cloud ceiling not less than 450 m (1500ft).

iii.  Surface winds of not more than 10 knots or as specified by the manufacturer.

iv.  No precipitation (rain, hail or snow) or thunderstorm activities, or exceeding those specified by the manufacturer.


No response.


See answer to question 26 below.


The CAA requires a UAS to be flown either in controlled airspace as specified by the KCAA or if flown in airspaces open to civil aircraft, it is controlled so as to avoid endangering civil aircraft.

The Draft Regulations allows the different categories of UAS to operate in different airspaces as follows:

a)  Category A Operations: Such operations shall be conducted within segregated airspaces and away from any notified prohibited, restricted and/or danger areas unless expressly authorized by the KCAA;[35]

b)  Category B Operations: UAS operated under this category may be operated in non-segregated airspaces but away from controlled airspaces and shall have all such equipment as necessary to ensure the safe and secure operations. Operations in category B shall be conducted away from any notified prohibited, restricted and/or danger areas unless expressly authorized by the KCAA; and[36]

c)  Category C Operations: UAS operations in this category may be conducted Beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) Operation provided that the UAS has the required capabilities and is fitted with appropriate equipment and the pilot is suitably qualified and holds appropriate ratings for such an operation.[37]

[35] First Schedule of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2019

[36] First Schedule of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2019

[37] First Schedule of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2019


RPAS are permitted to operate within “G” (Golf) airspace. If the specifications and the characteristics of the RPAS allow it, access to “D” (Delta) airspace can be permitted prior to authorization and coordination with the air traffic control entity in charge of such airspace.


They are allowed to operate in spaces under 100 feet above ground level.


We refer to the answer given to question No 23 above.


Any person may apply to the Director Operations at the Head Quarters of the CAA to approve and designate an area as an area for the operation of URCSUA. However, an area or airspace already designated for military and other purposes cannot be applied for to be used as a designated area for operation of a URCSUA.

Generally, URCSUA can be operated in or over restricted areas, controlled areas, uncontrolled areas and in the vicinity of aerodromes, subject to necessary approvals and permissions being sought by the operator from the CAA.

The terms “Restricted Area”, “Prohibited Area”, “Control Area” are defined to mean an area designated by the Director General under rule 67 of the Rules to be a restricted area, a prohibited area, or a control area. Pursuant to rule 67 of the Rules the Director-General may designate:

  1. an aerodrome at which aerodrome control service is provided as a controlled aerodrome;
  2. an airspace that is within defined horizontal and vertical limits as an airway, a control area, or a control zone;
  3. an airspace in respect of which flight information and alerting services are available as a flight information region;
  4. an airspace within which activities dangerous to aircraft may exist as a danger area;
  5. an airspace within which the flight of aircraft is restricted as a restricted area; and
  6. an airspace within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited, as a prohibited area.

Pursuant to the ANO, for operations in a restricted area, the operator must first apply to the concerned controlling authority of that area and intimate the director of operations and obtain permission of the controlling authority and operate the URCSUA in accordance with the conditions imposed by the authority controlling that area. The operator must submit a copy of the approval/permission to the director of the CAA one day in advance from the date of operating the URCSUA.

For operations in a controlled airspace, which is an area approved for the operations of unmanned airship of the same kind as the URCSUA, the operator must act in accordance with any conditions imposed in the approval and Air Traffic Control clearance.

For operations in an uncontrolled airspace, a person may operate the URCSUA with prior coordination and permission of the Director of CAA and in accordance with any conditions of the approval. The operation in uncontrolled areas must be duly coordinated with Air Traffic Services/Control Unit and shall be conducted as per instructions of concerned Area Control Centre/Air Traffic Services unit.

A person may operate a URCSUA in the vicinity of an aerodrome only in accordance with the permission of DGCAA and according to Air Traffic Control clearance/instructions. If the concerned aerodrome is a controlled aerodrome, permission of the air traffic control service for the aerodrome must be obtained, and if the aerodrome is a private aerodrome then the permission of the owner of the aerodrome (airstrip) has to be obtained.

URCSUA may also operate in non-designated areas subject to the approval of ATS Units and the conditions imposed by the concerned ATS Unit.


The RPA may operate in any airspace as long as the AAC authorizes it.


In addition to what has been provided under item no. 23, the following should be observed for non-commercial operations,: 

a) An RPA Controller doing non-commercial operations may operate an RPA only within visual line of sight; 

b) All RPA Controllers doing non-commercial operations are prohibited to operate an RPA at night unless authorized by theAuthority; 

c) No person or entity may conduct an RPA Flying Display or Air Show unless duly authorized by the Authority.


The limitations mentioned in 6 above are applicable.

Puerto Rico

There is no State regulation covering this in Puerto Rico. FAA applies.


The UAS are permitted to fly in the so-called G class airspace, which is a determined airspace situated at least 150 meters below the minimum limit of the controlled airspace.

South Africa

UAS may only be operated in controlled airspace by a ROC holder and upon the approval of the Director in the operators’ operations manual. The Director may approve a UAS operation in controlled airspace only in a visual meteorological condition (VMC), in an airfield traffic zone (ATZ) and control zone (CTR) below 400ft; and subject to compliance with the conditions prescribed in the technical standards.


As per current regulations on drone operations, these are allowed to fly within all class of airspaces classification from A to G class airspace in accordance with SERA.6001 foreseen in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1185 of the Commission of 20th July 2016 provided that all requirements to fly in each zone are met, including the prior request to the ATS provider if flying in controlled airspace. However, depending on the type of activity that the drone is carrying out (i.e. fly over crowds or in urban areas) and also depending on the type of drone used, the requirements could vary from a simple communication to obtaining an authorisation from the AESA and carry out the operation in coordination with the said ATS provider and in some cases with the local authority (police or other local administrations, for example).


See Questions 23 and 24 above.


Green Zones are automatically permitted to recreational UAS0 and UAS1 operations and permitted to all commercial operations upon flight permit application to CAA. All operations in Green Zones are subject to general operation limits listed in Answer 23 above.

United Kingdom

Must be operated within the permitted restrictions but also avoid restricted airspaces (military, airports etc.).

United States of America

UAS operations are generally permitted up to 400 feet above ground level or within 400 feet of a structure’s immediate uppermost limit, in permitted airspace. Some airspace restrictions that commonly affect UAS operations in the United States are discussed below.

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