Drone Regulations

27. Which zones are UAS operations banned?


There are no standardized zones where RPA operations are banned. However, the ROC issued in respect of an RPA may stipulate banned zones.


Please refer to our response on item 23.


In addition to the DECEA guidance described in section 26 airspaces over safety areas including but not limited to penitentiaries, state buildings, military installation, critical infrastructures such as thermal power plants, energy stations, airports and heliports are considered banned.


See question 26.


As they have spaces restrictions, there are some places that UAS cannot operate. This is the case of prisons, military or police bases, airports, heliports, critical infrastructure and places in which are the president or any other chiefs of state.

Costa Rica

The restricted areas are those contained in AIP, issued by DGAC.

El Salvador



UAS are not allowed to be operated:

  • Within 100 meters of or above people and public gatherings, scene of accidents, disaster zones, operations of police or other similar organizations and military drill sites;
  • Within 100 meters of or above correctional facilities, military complexes, industrial complexes, power plants, power generation and distribution facilities;
  • Within 100 meters of or above the property of federal or state governments, diplomatic or consular missions, international organizations, law enforcementand security agencies;
  • Within 100 meters of or above federal highways, federal waterways and railway systems;
  • Above nature reserves;
  • Above residential property if the UAS has an MTOM of25 kg or if it is able to receive, transmit, or record optical, acoustic, or radio signals;
  • Within 100 meters of or above hospitals;
  • To Transport explosives, pyrotechnic articles, radioactive materials, or hazardous materials.


Notwithstanding some allowed exceptions, there is a ban regarding UAS operating in night-time and operationsover 400 feet AGL in a radius of three nautical miles from an aerodrome. Additionally, operations that causes a danger to another aircraft, another person or property are prohibited.


Please refer to our response to question 23 above.


The following answer refers to questions 25-27

According to the Operation Regulations, Israel’s Flight Information Region (FIR), is divided into areas where flight is prohibited and areas where flight is permitted, with some of the areas permitted for flight being defined as restricted or dangerous areas. The division into the various areas is carried out by the CAAI and is published in its domestic Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP). The areas that are forbidden, restricted or dangerous for flight are listed in AIP A-17. Areas in which UAS are allowed to operate are listed in the map attached to AIP B-9.

All restrictions regarding flying in the areas listed in AIP A-17 apply to UAS (including both drones and RCMAs).

Prohibited Areas:

According to Section 51 of the Operation Regulations, a prohibited area is an area defined by space and height in the AIP, in which flight is prohibited unless prior special permission is granted. In accordance with AIP A-17, an application for flight operation in a prohibited area will be referred, in general, to the CAAI Aviation Control Division. Pursuant to Section 33(a)(2) of the Draft Regulations (Small Drones), small drones are excluded from the application of Section 51 of the Air Navigation Law.

Further, according to AIP A-17, some areas are prohibited only for the operation of small UAS operated in a visual line of sight (VLOS) and for sports purposes. These areas are prohibited for operation within a radius of 500 metres and at an altitude of 1000 feet above ground level. Since most of these areas are located in the airspace above prisons and detention facilities, a permission to operate within them requires, in addition to an approval from the CAAI, also coordination with Israel’s Prison Service.

Further rules regarding prohibited areas for the operation UAS are detailed in AIP B-9. As a general rule, operation of a UAS will not be permitted in a controlled area (CTR), unless special approval from the CAAI Director is granted, and only in designated airspaces. Operation of a UAS will also not be permitted in areas where a manned aircraft is being operated, unless otherwise stated in the AIP.

AIP A-17 also prohibits operation of aircraft near Israel’s borders. Due to rapid changes in the security situation, the distances from the border where flight is prohibited are often updated in the temporary aeronautical information publications (NOTAM).

Restricted Areas

According to Section 52 of the Operation Regulations, a restricted area is an area in which the flight is restricted in space, altitude, time etc., unless prior permission by the Air Traffic Unit (ATC) is granted.

Dangerous Areas

According to Section 53 of the Operation Regulations, a dangerous area is an area where dangerous activities or events may occur and, therefore, flight is prohibited unless the pilot-commander of the aircraft has considered the information regarding the said activities or events and is convinced that operating in the area is not dangerous.


Flying over a crowd of people, demonstrations or events is forbidden, unless a specific authorisation is granted by ENAC. it is also prohibited to overfly inside – or within 5 km from – airport areas.


Upon promulgation of the Draft Regulations, UAS will be banned from the following zones:

a)  above 400 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) unless authorised by KCAA;

b)  within 50 meters of any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure which is not under the person in charge of the UAS unless authorised by KCAA[39];

c)  in conditions other than Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)

d)  where cameras, imaging devices or other sensors capture information, pictures or videos extending beyond the prescribed area of approved operation;

e)  Prohibited areas;

f)  over public road, along the length of a public road of at a distance of less than 50m from a public road unless authorised by KCAA; and

g)  on the operation vicinity of aerodromes unless with the written permission of the owner or operator of an aerodrome, the appropriate Air Navigation Service Provider and approval from KCAA;

[39] Regulation 24(1)(a) of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations,2019


RPAS are banned from all prohibited, restricted, and dangerous zones as established in aeronautical information publications (also known as AIP) in Mexico, section ENR 5.1.


Airspace where UAS can operate higher than 100 feet with a horizontal displacement of 30 meters is banned by INAC.


We refer to the answer given to question No 23 above.


Please refer to our answer to question 25.


RPAs cannot fly: (i) within a radius of 8 kilometers from any airport in the Panamanian territory; and (ii) over restricted, dangerous or prohibited areas, unless they have a special authorization or permission issued by the AAC, and the permit from the owner or authority in charge of the applicable area.


See answer on item no. 23. 


ANAC’s regulation establishes no-flying zones for UAS (e.g. in the vicinity of airports, military zones, buildings of official entities, over crowds of more than 12 people). UAS also cannot operate on Prohibited Areas, Restricted Areas, Danger, Reserved, or Temporarily Reserved Areas.

Airport operators with an annual volume of passenger traffic of more than 1 million passengers per year must install systems for the detection and disabling of drones. Such systems must be approved by ANAC.

Puerto Rico

In Puerto Rico there is no special ban.


It is forbidden to take off or land from/on urban areas, as well as to fly over places where   big crowds of people are gathered. See also above answers.

South Africa

UAS are banned in the following zones: near a manned aircraft, 10 km or closer to an aerodrome (airport, helipad, airfield), in controlled airspace (airport), in restricted airspace (harbours, power plants, prisons, police station, courts of law, key points etc.), and in prohibited airspace.


UAS operation will be banned in those zones classified as “P” class airspace which only permits flying to the State and Military UAS as well as sensitive State facilities (e. g. Nuclear power plants and other critical facilities). Notwithstanding the above, if the relevant authorisation is obtained from the Spanish authorities, operations in these zones will be permitted but restricted to the limitations provided in such authorisations.

In the Project of Royal Decree, Spain is taking advantage of the delegation of competences in UAS Geographical Zones, provided in article 18 of the EU Regulation 2019/947. Said geographical zones will include additional coordination restrictions in flights close to certain infrastructures or urban areas, where certain prior authorisations will be required.


See Questions 23 and 24 above.


Please refer to the Answer 26 above.

United Kingdom

Restricted airspace such as military airspace is banned.

United States of America

See above.

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