Drone Regulations

28. Who provides air traffic control services for UAS in your country?


All air traffic control services are provided by BANSA.


This is not detailed in the regulation.


DECEA (‘Air Space Control Department’).


NAV Canada.


There are not traffic control services for Class A. In Class B UAEAC is on charge of give the guidelines for its operation through the authorization.

Costa Rica

DGAC via the Air Traffic Control.

El Salvador

Air Traffic Control services are provided by AAC.


Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH.




DGAC and Air Traffic Control.


Airports Authority of India provides air traffic control services for UAS in India.

Liability and accidents


No specific entity or authority is responsible for providing air traffic control services for UAS in Israel. Nonetheless, the Operations Directorate of the Israel Airports Authority (IAA) is the responsible authority for the provision of air traffic services for the entire territory of the State of Israel, including its territorial waters as well as the airspace over the high seas within the Tel-Aviv FIR.

Included amongst the air traffic control services provided by the Operations Directorate are: Alerting Service (ALRS), Area Control (ACC) and Radar Control with the exception of services provided at military air bases. With regard to aerodromes, the following services are provided: Approach Control; Aerodrome Control (TWR); Aeronautical Information Service (AIS); and Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS).


The public authority engaged in the management of the air traffic is ENAV (Ente Nazionale Assistenza Volo, i.e. the Italian Air Navigation Service Provider).


All air navigation services including air traffic control are provided by the KCAA.[40] However, the KCAA may authorize an aerodrome to provide air navigation services for the use of such aerodrome subject to such conditions as may be set by the KCAA.[41]

The Draft Regulations provide that an Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) shall establish procedures, acceptable to the KCAA, for integration of UAS operation into the airspace to ensure aviation safety and such procedures shall include communication and surveillance detection[42].

[40] Section 7(1) of the CAA

[41] Section 38 of the CAA

[42] Regulation 36 of the Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2019


Air traffic control services for RPAS are provided by Servicios a la Navegación en el Espacio Aéreo Mexicano (SENEAM), which is the Mexican governmental body in charge of providing air traffic control services on all controlled airspaces in Mexico.


INAC and Traffic Air Control.


Governmentally owned Avinor Air Navigation Services AS.


The CAA is the body that provides air traffic control services in Pakistan.


The Civil Aviation Authority of Panama (AAC).


The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines provides for air traffic control services for all aircrafts, including a UAS. 



Puerto Rico

The FAA.


The main characteristic of the G class airspace is the lack of any traffic control.

South Africa

Air traffic control services are provided by the Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company SOC Limited.


The Air Traffic Control (ATC) is entitled to provide air traffic control services (ATS) in Spain which can be divided in the following stages:

(i)     Aerodrome control service: Provided by the control tower from the aerodromes in charge of the land movements and movement in its proximities.

(ii)     Approach control service: Provides air traffic control to the users of the controlled airspace relating to the take-off and landings.

(iii)    Area control service: Provides air traffic control to those aircrafts which are not in the aerodrome or in approach phase.

Furthermore, there are also FIS (Flight Information Service) providing useful information to all users and ALRS (Alert Service) responsible for informing relevant entities in respect of aircrafts which require save and rescue assistance.


Air traffic control services are provided by Skyguide, a Swiss company headquartered in Geneva and majority-owned by the Swiss Confederation. At the moment there is no air traffic control service for UAS in place, however, drones air traffic control will part of the Swiss U-Space program which is being developed and tested by Skyguide and shall be implemented in the near future (see Miscellaneous and Most Recent Changes further below).

Liability and accidents


CAA is the aviation regulator and provides the air traffic control services for all kinds of aircrafts including UAS’s.

United Kingdom


United States of America

To the extent that air traffic control service is available for UAS, UAS air traffic control services are provided by the same ATC system as manned aircraft.

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