Digital Aviation Document QAs
4. If your reply to question 3 is yes, is it possible to upload electronic files for registration, such as Leases, Security Agreements, Mortgages, Lease Assignments, Novation and IDERAs with the Aviation Authority in this location?
Argentina has implemented the official portal (TAD) to facilitate the parties to upload electronic files for registration. The requirements are not different from the presentation that used to be done in person and are subject to verification from the Authority. It is mandatory to file all documentation in color to allow the Authority to verify the document is an exact copy of the original. For those documents that need external signatures, like certification granted by professional institutions like the Bar Association or Translators Association, they must comply with the same requirements.
See Question 3.
Not Applicable.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yes. All Aircraft Documents digitally certified with ICP-Brazil and valid verified with the Brazilian National Institute of Information Technology (ITI) can be uploaded electronically with the RAB system named SEI.
No. It is not possible to upload documents electronically for registration before the DGAC.
Yes, it is possible to upload electronic files for registration, such as Leases, Security Agreements, Mortgages, Lease Assignments,
Novation and IDERAs with the Aviation Authority in Colombia, but it can also be physically.
Costa Rica
It is not possible to upload electronic files for registration with the CCAA since the relevant regulations prescribe that any documents submitted to the CCAA for registration must be executed with handwritten signatures certified by a notary public and then submitted in their original form.
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Yes, the Aviation Authority in Finland (Traficom) has an electronic service portal where applications and notifications can be filed.
No. The Aviation Authority requires registration files to be sent to it on paper. For registration of documents that have been electronically executed (such as Leases, Mortgages, Bill of Sale), the electronic original of said documents must be sent to the Aviation Authority by email.
Not applicable. See statement number three above.
Yes, it is possible to upload electronic files of documents such as lease agreements, extension of lease documents, IDERA, etc., on the e-GCA portal for registration with the DGCA.
All documents can be sent to ENAC also via certified email (Posta Elettronica Certificata – PEC).
Not applicable. Please refer to our response to 3 above.
No, this is not possible for the time being.
i. Lease Agreements, Novation Agreements and Lease Assignments
Lease and operating agreements are to always be present for aircraft registration. The agreement must be in English, must have a date and duration and must be a certified true copy. The signatures on the agreement must also be authenticated according to a list of signatories. Scans of the lease agreement may be uploaded for registration through the Centrik platform – this would also apply to novation and amendment agreements or lease assignments.
ii. Foreign Law Governed Security Agreements
Foreign law governed security Agreements are recognized in Malta to validly create security interest over an aircraft registered in the national registry of Malta on the condition that such interests are registered in accordance with the ARA. Any foreign security interests will be enforceable in Malta and shall have the status and all rights and powers specified in the ARA. Despite this, a foreign law governed security agreement is not registerable here in the Aircraft Malta Register and thus would not be uploaded to Centrik.
iii. IDERAs
The Civil Aviation Directorate requests that a wet-ink original of the undated IDERA is to be submitted in the transcribed format, in duplicate and on the letterhead of the operator/registrant. A scanned version of the undated and signed IDERA would still need to be uploaded to Centrik for proper documentation purposes.
iv. Deregistration Power of Attorney (DPOA)
The Civil Aviation Directorate requests that a wet-ink original of the undated DPOA is to be submitted in duplicate and on the letterhead of the operator/registrant. A scanned version of the undated and signed DPOA would still need to be uploaded to Centrik for proper documentation purposes.
v. Maltese law Mortgage
The statutory mortgage form will need to be submitted at the registry in original duly signed and left undated. A scanned version of the undated and signed Maltese law mortgage would still need to be uploaded to Centrik for proper documentation purposes.
No. It is not possible to upload electronic files for registration. All registrations must be done physically with hard originals
submitted to the RAM. However, there are some exceptions to this rule: provisional registration marks and preliminary registration requests for documents can be submitted electronically to the RAM.
At the moment, CAA does not allow the submission of a registration application and supporting documentation electronically, only through the standard procedure – via the Post office or directly to the CAA.
As indicated above, the Aviation Authority maintains a national registry which is in physical form. Copies of physical documents indicating any interest in an aircraft are registered by the Aviation Authority in the national registry. Details of such interest are further included directly by the Aviation Authority in a computerized database.
North Macedonia
No, the Aviation Authority only accepts hard copies of originals or notarized copies of the documents relating to the aircraft registered in the aircraft register.
It is not possible for users to upload files electronically themselves. Any document must be sent to the Civil Aviation Authority manually in written format for registration. The Civil Aviation Authority will then enter the document in the electronic Register.
As commented, it is not possible to register the documents detailed in the above question because the DGAC is not the competent entity for such registrations.
Notwithstanding, documents regarding aircraft security programs of the airlines can be uploaded at the referred extranet.
Yes, but the digital fillings must be followed by wet ink versions (original documents), with the signatures duly notarized.
Puerto Rico
Please see my answer to question #1.
RCAA is in the process of digitalization of its activity.
Currently, the documents pertaining to the following activities may be submitted online in electronic format:
- Reservation of registration/identification marks;
- Aircraft registration;
- Registration of unmanned free balloons with payload;
- Data modification within RUIAC;
- Aircraft deregistration from RUIAC;
- Issuance of registration/identification/deregistration duplicate certificates;
- Provisional aircraft registration;
- Entries in the Registry of securities;
- Modification of the securities mentioned in the Registry of securities;
- Provision of information from RUIAC or from the Registry of securities.
Mention must be made that if the above-listed applications and documents are submitted in electronic format, the issuance of the requested documents by RCAA shall be made provided that the entire documentation is filed to the RCAA in accordance with the provisions of Subchapter 1:6.1 para (1) of the Romanian Registration Regulation. Subchapter 1:6.1 para (1) of the Romanian Registration Regulation provides that all documents submitted to RCAA must be in original or notarized copy in accordance with Romanian law.
No, this is not possible.
Uploading electronic files for registration with the Agency is not possible; however, documents may be submitted to the Agency via e-mail.
Spain has a dual registration system. In general terms, aircraft transaction documents must first be filed with the Central Movable Assets Registry. This Registry only accepts paper documents for the time being. Once the transaction documents have been cleared by the Movable Assets Registry, they must be filed with the Aircraft Registry. As indicated above, this is done electronically through AESA’s platform. To this end, the documents are submitted as PDF files.
No, the submission for registration must be filed with physical files, signed in wet ink. The authority then transfers the physical documents into their electronic register.
USA – Miami
The FAA does not have a specific database or electronic filing system for registering leases, security agreements, mortgages, lease assignments, novation, or IDERAs for aircraft. These types of documents are typically filed with the relevant state or local authorities where the aircraft is based or registered. Mortgages and Security Agreements must be sent to the Aircraft Registration Branch. Leases specifically must be sent to the FAA’s Aircraft Registry in Oklahoma City within 24 hours of executing a lease.
However, the FAA does maintain an electronic database called the Aircraft Registration Database, which is used to register and track ownership and other information related to aircraft. The FAA accepts electronic filings for certain aircraft registration-related documents, such as the Application for Aircraft Registration and the Aircraft Bill of Sale.
The FAA may also require that other documents be filed in hard copy via certified mail or courier delivery rather than electronic submission. If you need to file leases, security agreements, mortgages, lease assignments, novation, or IDERAs with the FAA, you should consult with appropriate legal counsel to ensure that the documents are filed through the appropriate process.